


Consider a potential social science research project that you would like to conduct. Describe the project very briefly and then focus on the three major aspects of your project: Define your research puzzle. It should be something that you are curious about to explore. Consider the following model research scenario: “It is a commonly accepted fact that the bigger a country’s military and the more developed its economy are, the easier it should defeat a smaller and a weaker opponent. However, sometimes the stronger countries lose to their weaker counterparts”; Define the research question based on the research puzzle. In the same model example above, you may come up with the following question, “Why do big countries lose wars against the smaller enemies?”; Come up with a solid work hypothesis that would give provisional explanation(s) of the phenomena you are interested in. The following could be one of the work hypothesis in the model scenario above, “The weaker party uses non-conventional tactics of guerilla warfare, which the stronger country’s military is not used to. “…[T]he guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.” (Henry Kissinger). Pick a theory that would provide tentative frameworks of reference for operationalization of your project. From our example, “Asymmetric warfare is the best explanation of the losses the strong conventional military may suffer against non-conventional weaker insurgents.” Written assignment instructions: Each of the section should take not more than 1-2 paragraphs. Please, make sure to include citations and full bibliography using APA style guidelines. Please, keep the length of your submissions to 2-3 pages, double-spaced.

nine core nurse practitioner competencies outlined by NONPF

 nine core nurse practitioner competencies outlined by NONPF and consider how you can effect positive social change in your community for salient advanced practice nursing issues.


National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has determined core competencies that apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless of specialty or patient population focus. NONPF has represented them within nine broad areas of core competence. NONPF created the first set of Nurse Practitioner Competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2017. This synthesis course has had the overarching objective of preparing you to be able to synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program and be prepared to apply each of the nine core competencies within your selected areas of practice and your representative communities.

The nine broad areas of competency are:

  1. Scientific Foundations
  2. Leadership
  3. Quality
  4. Practice Inquiry
  5. Technology and Information Literacy
  6. Policy
  7. Health Delivery System
  8. Ethics
  9. Independent Practice

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the NONPF Core Competencies Content.

The Assignment

For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet it (for a total of at least nine paragraphs). Then, propose and explain how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Be specific and provide examples.


electronic health records software

Electronic Health Records Pitch


Please answer each question and include a speaker note.
Assume that you are a health care administrator who oversees a small conglomerate of local clinics. After the recent acquisition of a physical therapy clinic, it was brought to the attention of key stakeholders that the clinics were all operating with different electronic health records software, which was affecting interoperability between clinics. In an effort to streamline communication and improve efficiency, the CEO has asked you to look up some options for a new EHR software to implement across all of your health network’s clinics. Research the different types of electronic health records software on the market and choose the top three that would prove most beneficial to your health network and include robust speaker notes with each question, and present your findings to the CEO and other key stakeholders. Identify all three EHR software options you have selected for consideration, and include the following in your presentation:
1. System requirements and compatible interfaces for each
2. The cost of implementation
3. Timeline for integration and user training
4. Privacy and security options, including patient accessibility to records
5. Capabilities of what each software system will enable clinics to do that they were previously unable to accomplish
6. How each system would facilitate efficient communication and increase interoperability between clinics
7. Pros and cons of each software system in relation to the other options you have selected
8. Recommendation for which option you believe the network should adopt and why .
Cite all sources used and include them on a reference slide, not included in the slide length requirement.

Genetic Algorithm

Computational Intelligence in Business, Economics & Finance

Paper Instructions
The paper contains TWO questions. Answer ALL the questions.
Notes to Candidates

This examination is designed to take two hours but you can take longer if you
wish. Please ensure that you submit your answer booklet within 24 hours of the
exam release time.
As you will have access to resources to complete your assessment, any content
you use from external source materials should be cited. Full academic referencing
is not required.
You are reminded of your responsibility to act with honesty, integrity and fairness
in completing assessment requirements for your course, and to demonstrate good
academic practice when undertaking this assessment.
This is an individual piece of work and collusion with others is strictly prohibited.
Plagiarism detection software will be in use.
Breaches of academic integrity will be considered to be academic misconduct.
Where the University believes that academic misconduct has taken place the
University will investigate the case and apply academic penalties as published in
Annex 10 of the Credit Framework.
– 2 –
1. (a) For each of the statements below, say whether it is true or false, and briefly
justify your answer.
(i) The selection method in a Genetic Algorithm can be used to control
the exploration and exploitation properties of the search.
[3 marks]
(ii) Performing a crossover between 2 identical individuals will result in
different offspring.
[3 marks]
(iii) The best individual fitness value of a generation can be lower than the
previous generation.
[3 marks]
(iv) The individual selected as a winner in a tournament selection is
chosen at random.
[3 marks]
(v) Genetic Algorithms guarantee finding the optimal solution for a given
[3 marks]
(b) Given the following 2 individuals of a Genetic Programming population:

Individual 1 Individual 2
where the data types of each function and terminal nodes are:
input data type output data type
AND, OR (boolean, boolean) boolean
>, < (real, real) boolean
+, −, ,  (real, real) real
a, b, 5, 7, 10 – real
(i) Perform a subtree crossover between Individuals 1 and 2, showing
the resulting offspring (2 individuals).
[8 marks]
– 3 –
(ii) Perform a subtree mutation on Individual 1 using the node ‘<’ as the
mutation point, showing the resulting offspring (1 individual).
[4 marks]
(iii) Create a new individual using a full initialisation method and a
maximum tree depth of 3.
[3 marks]
– 4 –
2. (a) Consider the problem of finding the shortest path in a city map starting
from a point A and terminating at a point B. Is this a travelling
salesman problem (TSP)? Justify your answer, also referring to the
computational complexity of the problem.
[6 marks]
(b) (i) Consider the following 5-city TSP problem illustrated in Figure A. The
edges of the graph correspond to the distance between the cities. What is the
cost of the dashed tour (i.e. the tour 1-2-3-4-5-1)?
[2 marks]
Figure A
(ii) Is there any better solution (tour) to improve the cost calculated in (i)?
Indicate the tour, the cost and justify why this is a better solution with
respect to the previous tour.
[4 marks]
(c) (i) Consider the following 5-city TSP problem illustrated in Figure B. The
edges of the graph correspond to the distance between the cities. Explain what
are the main differences compared to the TSP problem presented in Figure A?
[2 marks]
Figure B
3 2
4 5
3 2
4 5
– 5 –
(ii) Write a viable tour and its related cost for the TSP problem in Figure B.
[4 marks]
(d) (i) Consider a Genetic Algorithm implementation to solve a TSP problem. Is
the binary representation a good choice for the individual representation?
Justify your answer.
[3 marks]
(ii) Provide an example of an individual representation for the tour illustrated
in Figure A (tour 1-2-3-4-5-1). Justify your choice of representation.
[4 marks]
(iii) Describe a suitable mutation operator and apply mutation to the
individual from (ii).
[5 marks]

material in Proteins and DNA

material in Proteins and DNA


Where would you expect to find aliphatic amino acids in a soluble protein in an aqueous environment? What force drives this behavior? Can you provide a scenario in which they could have a different location for these amino acids?

Both beta-turns and gamma-turns often contain glycines and prolines respectively. Why do you think this is so?

What is the post translational modification being depicted in the attached link? On which residues does it occur? Which family of enzymes mediate its addition? Which family of enzymes mediate its removal? Discuss the functions of this form of post-translational modification.


Describe the theoretical basis of affinity chromatography? Antibodies are readily purified using this form of chromatography by exploiting the activities of Protein A and Protein G Staphylococcus Aureus. Why is this possible? What region of the antibody is important in this process? Is this a universal process for different antibodies and if so why?


Tryptic enzymatic digestion is often used in mass spectrometry. Given you know that trypsin cleaves after Lys or Arg, how do you think this can help you detect and identify proteins you are analysing from a known biological source? For example a human sample.

 Enzymes are known as biological catalysts. Explain what you understand about this term.

What properties of DNA allow it to act as a heritable molecule?

Discuss the structure and function of RNA polymerase?

Discuss the differences in protein translation in prokaryotes and in eukaryotes.

Given the following prokaryote sequence of DNA:

Identify if any promoter sequences are present in DNA SEQ1 (Highlight/Underline these in the sequence)

Predict the mRNA sequence that would arise from this DNA sequence.

Identify the ribosome binding site, start and stop codons (if present). (Highlight/Underline these in the sequence).

Predict the sequence of the peptide that would arise from the predicted mRNA sequence using the genetic code table (see Codon usage table).

Based on your knowledge of the properties of amino acids speculate on the properties of the predicted peptide (e.g. charge, hydrophobicity, aromaticity)



 Given the following prokaryote sequence of DNA:

Identify if any promoter sequences are present in DNA SEQ1 (Highlight/Underline these in the sequence)

Predict the mRNA sequence that would arise from this DNA sequence.

Identify the ribosome binding site, start and stop codons (if present). (Highlight/Underline these in the sequence).

Predict the sequence of the peptide that would arise from the predicted mRNA sequence using the genetic code table (see Codon usage table).

Based on your knowledge of the properties of amino acids speculate on the properties of the predicted peptide (e.g. charge, hydrophobicity, aromaticity)



religious rooms

Holy rooms

Why do different religious rooms look the way they do? Why are there so many pictures in most sacred buildings? Why are so many churches and temples so large, and how has it been possible to build so large?

How do you think the sacred rooms have affected people and their faith? How do Christian churches differ from sacred spaces in other religions?

Your rites of passage What rites of passage have you experienced yourself, and do you think you will experience? What do they mean to you?

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-____________________________________________________________________________________________The world religions

Answer the questions :

  1. Why are there religions? a) Why do you think there are religions? b) How can we say that religions are adapted to different places and times? What is your opinion? c) What does the word faith mean?
  2. What is religion? a) What do you think religion means? b) What does the word religion stand for?
  3. What is a worldview? a) What does a worldview stand for? b) Give examples of different worldviews! c) Which religions are counted as world religions? d) Is there any reason to question the traditional division into five world religions? Motivate why by giving examples from the film and this chapter!
  4. Functions of religion a) What functions do you think religions have? b) Why might people need these features? c) How can religion unite people? d) How can religion give rise to conflicts? e) How can the practice of religion cause individual problems?
  5. Rituals a) How do you define a ritual? What characterizes a ritual? b) What purpose (s) does a ritual have? c) Give examples of some religious rituals.
  6. Feasts a) What characterizes a religious holiday? b) Give examples of some religious festivals.
  7. What is morality? a) What does morality mean to you? b) What does the word morality stand for? c) What is the “Golden Rule”? d) What does the term sharia mean? Give examples. e) Mention the equivalent of sharia to other religions.
  8. Common features a) What common features can you see in different religions? b) What does monotheism mean? Give examples of monotheistic religions. c) What is polytheism? Give examples of polytheistic religions. d) What is a natural religion? Do you know of any natural religion?
  9. Sacred Places a) What characterizes a holy place? b) What fills a sacred place of function? c) How can it be that Jerusalem is a holy place in several religions?
  10. Specialists a) What are the characteristics of a specialist when talking about religion? b) Give examples of specialists in different religions.


  1. Symbols a) What is a symbol? b) Can you give examples of religious symbols? 12. Summary How would you summarize the content of the program?

Study the compilation of the five world religions.

Select two religions, or two phenomena such as the attributes of God or the Holy Scriptures, and compare them in a Venn chart.

(A Venn diagram is two (or more) circles that describe what two phenomena have in common and what properties are only present in one or the other. Feel free to google image if you want more inspiration.)

Choose another religion, or a different phenomenon, and see if you can get larger or smaller deviations in the Venn diagram. So you should make two different Venn diagrams.

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification nursing

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification nursing

Assessment 2 Instructions: Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  • For this assessment, you will create a 3 page report on an interview you have conducted with a health care professional. You will identify an issue from the interview that could be improved with an interdisciplinary approach, and review best practices and evidence to address the issue.

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, your participation and leadership in interdisciplinary teams will be vital to the health outcomes for your patients and organization. One way to approach designing an improvement project is to use the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement describes it thus:

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is shorthand for testing a change in the real work setting—by planning it, trying it, observing the results, and acting on what is learned. This is the scientific method adapted for action-oriented learning…Essentially, the PDSA cycle helps you test out change ideas on a smaller scale before evaluating the results and making adjustments before potentially launching into a somewhat larger scale project (n.d.).

You might also recognize that the PDSA cycle resembles the nursing process. The benefit of gaining experience with this model of project design is that it provides nurses with an opportunity to ideate and lead improvements. For this assessment, you will not be implementing all of the PDSA cycle. Instead, you are being asked to interview a health care professional of your choice to determine what kind of interdisciplinary problem he or she is experiencing or has experienced in the workplace. This interview, in Assessment 2, will inform the research that you will conduct to propose a plan for interdisciplinary collaboration in Assessment 3.

It would be an excellent choice to complete the PDSA Cycle activity prior to developing the report. The activity consists of four questions that create the opportunity to check your understanding of best practices related to each stage of the PDSA cycle. The information gained from completing this formative will promote your success with the Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification report. This will take just a few minutes of your time and is not graded.


Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). How to improve. http://www.ihi.org/resources/Pages/HowtoImprove/default.aspx

Demonstration of Proficiency

    • Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
      • Summarize an interview focused on past or current issues at a health care organization.
      • Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could be relevant in establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.
    • Competency 3: Describe ways to incorporate evidence-based practice within an interdisciplinary team.
      • Identify an issue from an interview for which an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate.
    • Competency 4: Explain how change management theories and leadership strategies can enable interdisciplinary teams to achieve specific organizational goals.
      • Describe change theories and a leadership strategy that could help develop an interdisciplinary solution to an organizational issue.
    • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
      • Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions; contains few errors in grammar/punctuation, word choice, and spelling.
      • Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references, exhibiting nearly flawless adherence to APA format.

Professional Context

This assessment will introduce the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model to create change in an organization. By interviewing a colleague of your choice, you will begin gathering information about an interprofessional collaboration problem that your colleague is experiencing or has experienced. You will identify a change theory and leadership strategies to help solve this problem.


This assessment is the first of three related assessments in which you will gather interview information (Assessment 2); design a proposal for interdisciplinary problem-solving, (Assessment 3); and report on how an interdisciplinary improvement plan could be implemented in a place of practice (Assessment 4). At the end of the course, your interviewee will have a proposal plan based on the PDSA cycle that he or she could present to stakeholders to address an interdisciplinary problem in the workplace.

For this assessment, you will need to interview a health care professional such as a fellow learner, nursing colleague, administrator, business partner, or another appropriate person who could provide you with sufficient information regarding an organizational problem that he or she is experiencing or has experienced, or an area where they are seeking improvements. Consult the Interview Guide [DOCX] for an outline of how to prepare and the types of information you will need to complete this project successfully.

Remember: this is just the first in a series of three assessments.


For this assessment, you will report on the information that you collected in your interview, analyzing the interview data and identifying a past or current issue that would benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. This could be an issue that has not been addressed by an interdisciplinary approach or one that could benefit from improvements related to the interdisciplinary approach currently being used. You will discuss the interview strategy that you used to collect information. Your interview strategy should be supported by citations from the literature. Additionally, you will start laying the foundation for your Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal (Assessment 3) by researching potential change theories, leadership strategies, and collaboration approaches that could be relevant to issue you have identified. Please be certain to review the scoring guide to confirm specific required elements of this assessment. Note that there are differences between basic, proficient and distinguished scores.

When submitting your plan, use the Interview and Issue Identification Template [DOCX], which will help you to stay organized and concise. As you complete the template, make sure you use APA format for in-text citations for the evidence and best practices that are informing your plan, as well as for the reference list at the end.

Additionally, be sure to address the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

    • Summarize an interview focused on past or current issues at a health care organization.
    • Identify an issue from an interview for which an evidence-based interdisciplinary approach would be appropriate.
    • Describe potential change theories and leadership strategies that could inform an interdisciplinary solution to an organizational issue.
    • Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could facilitate establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.
    • Communicate with writing that is clear, logically organized, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, and using current APA style.

Additional Requirements

    • Length of submission: Use the provided template. Most submissions will be 3 pages in length. Be sure to include a reference page at the end of the plan.
    • Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.
    • APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations and reference list follow current APA style.

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.



Regression , cronbach alpha Multi regression. Multi group analysis. P Value

Regression , cronbach alpha Multi regression. Multi group analysis. P Value

This is for research paper purposes. The analysis most include the following:

Regression , cronbach alpha Multi regression. Multi group analysis. P Value


civil and criminal laws

civil and criminal laws

Identify and discuss what type of laws (both civil and criminal) are most fraudsters charged with as a result of a fraud investigation. What similarities and differences do you see between civil and criminal laws relating to fraud cases? Be sure to include specific examples to back up your conclusions.

Please write one page and half

 Applied Information Technology

 Applied Information Technology

Q1. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references please.

There are many different factors when we are trying to evaluate an information project. The most important factor is aligned with All Stakeholders. The goal of an information project is that we are set up to deal with certain problems. The whole system is used to solve these questions. So, aligning with all the stakeholders is the key to the evaluation. If you cannot pass the evaluation from the stakeholders, the project will never work.
There are huge differences between short and long solutions. One biggest factor is the scope. The scope defines the overall requirements and rules. Both short and long solutions have a scope.
Every project needs an evaluation. Basically, the evaluation belongs to the testing process in the SDLC. In this process, the deficits of the project will be revealed. In the future, people in the project can update and modify their project according to the evaluation.

Q2. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references please.

1: To apply this project we need to change the interface of restaurant since we need the conveyor belts for delivering food on the tables. This will cause a increase in cost but same time we would not need the man power (Where we can save money).
2: Customer can only place an order when inside the restaurant. Order will be delayed if Conveyer belt gets jammed.
3: Order will be placed by the customer through a touch panel.
– Order that is ready will be served to the customer through a conveyor belt.
– The expense of the waiter will be greatly reduced.
– An invoice for all the orders placed by the customer will be generated at run time.
– New menus will not be required to be printed.