Applied Information Technology

 Applied Information Technology

Q1. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references please.

There are many different factors when we are trying to evaluate an information project. The most important factor is aligned with All Stakeholders. The goal of an information project is that we are set up to deal with certain problems. The whole system is used to solve these questions. So, aligning with all the stakeholders is the key to the evaluation. If you cannot pass the evaluation from the stakeholders, the project will never work.
There are huge differences between short and long solutions. One biggest factor is the scope. The scope defines the overall requirements and rules. Both short and long solutions have a scope.
Every project needs an evaluation. Basically, the evaluation belongs to the testing process in the SDLC. In this process, the deficits of the project will be revealed. In the future, people in the project can update and modify their project according to the evaluation.

Q2. Please read the below paragraph and write your opinion.

Note: 150 words with intext citation and references please.

1: To apply this project we need to change the interface of restaurant since we need the conveyor belts for delivering food on the tables. This will cause a increase in cost but same time we would not need the man power (Where we can save money).
2: Customer can only place an order when inside the restaurant. Order will be delayed if Conveyer belt gets jammed.
3: Order will be placed by the customer through a touch panel.
– Order that is ready will be served to the customer through a conveyor belt.
– The expense of the waiter will be greatly reduced.
– An invoice for all the orders placed by the customer will be generated at run time.
– New menus will not be required to be printed.


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