opinion mining

concepts and techniques of opinion mining

Review the article by Hemmatian (2019), on classification techniques.

In essay format answer the following questions:

  1. What were the results of the study?
  2. Note what opinion mining is and how it’s used in information retrieval.
  3. Discuss the various concepts and techniques of opinion mining and the importance to transforming an organizations NLP framework.

In an APA7 formatted essay answer all questions above.  There should be headings to each of the questions above as well.


  1. Hemmatian, H. (2019). A survey on classification techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysisArtificial Intelligence Review52(3), 1495–154


Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework

You will practice developing your theoretical framework for your mock dissertation topic in this assignment and then develop your literature review funnel for assignment 7.2.

  • The purpose of the theoretical framework is to tie the dissertation together. As the researcher, you should approach the proposed research from a theory or set of theories that provide the backdrop for the work (researchers do not create theory; they use established theory in which to embed their work).
  • This section should describe how this study will relate to existing theories and discuss how the methodology being used in the study links to those theories
  • The theoretical framework justifies the methods you plan to use for conducting the study and presents how this research will contribute to the body of knowledge and/or practice. Further, it describes the context within which to locate the intended project and suggests why doing such a study is worthwhile.
  • Directions:


Adult Health 2: Stroke

It is essential to the success of your simulation experience that everyone is prepared. You will discuss your answers to the following questions during pre-briefing. This is an individual assignment to be submitted in your course on Brightspace and must be printed or available via phone/tablet as your “ticket” to enter the simulation center


1) Describe the pathophysiology of Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA). What are the signs and symptoms?

2) List possible risk factors for stroke.

3) Describe the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS).

4) Research the possible medications for treating an acute stroke and identify contraindications for thrombolytic therapy.

5) Describe “permissive hypertension.”

6) Research the pharmacology of intravenous Labetalol. What would be the indicated use of this medication for the acute stroke patient? (Hint: BP parameters)

7) Name three nursing diagnoses and related interventions specific to the care of the stroke patient.

8) What signs and symptoms may alert the nurse that the stroke patient might have difficulty swallowing and is therefore at risk for aspiration? Should nurses assess all stroke patients for swallowing ability?

9) Identify at least four interdisciplinary team members involved in the care of stroke patients. (Consider acute and long-term care)

Capital Structure and Cost of Capital project

Capital Structure and Cost of Capital project

1. Purpose of the project:

In this project, you are supposed to be a financial manager working for a big corporation and you
have to apply the knowledge obtained from the financial management (FINC6352) course. You
will determine the cost of debt, cost of preferred stock, cost of common equity, capital structure,
and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for a publicly traded company of your choice.

2. Outline for the project:
1. Cost of capital components
– Estimate the firm’s before-tax and after-tax component cost of debt;
– Estimate the firm’s component cost of preferred stock;
– Use three approaches (CAPM, DCF, bond-yield-plus-risk-premium) to estimate the
component cost of common equity of the firm. Include your own calculation of the beta
for the company.

. Estimate Capital Structure
– Estimate the firm’s weights of debt, preferred stock, and common stock using the firm’s
balance sheet (book value)
– Estimate the firm’s weights of debt, preferred stock, and common stock using the market
value of each capital component
– Calculate the firm’s weighted average cost of capital (WACC) with both structures
3. Other information regarding the project:

. Your project should be well-organized and typed in a Word document, but you must
attach the Excel file with your report. The style and organization part of the project account
for 10 percent of the grade.
.Information obtained in this MP will be used in other mini projects so any feedback
received on the calculation of WACC must be incorporated for the next Mini project.

strategic plan and a complementing PowerPoint

 strategic plan reflecting your process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives


You are the CEO of St. Thomas Regional Healthcare Center. Over the past five years, you lead significant quality improvement initiatives resulting in national recognition and Magnet status. You are invited to speak at a national quality improvement conference for other hospital leaders.


Complete a strategic plan and a complementing PowerPoint summary presentation, which reflect your process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives.

Your strategic plan should include:

  1. Summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and how they are influencing healthcare practices.
  2. An analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives.
  3. Discuss the Magnet model components and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.
  4. Explain the quality improvement model used and strategies developed to address patient safety challenges healthcare.
  5. Identify two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative.
  6. Summary of common threats to quality improvement in healthcare and apply a quality improvement model and strategies neutralizing the threats.

Create a PowerPoint presentation, which includes either speaker notes, for the conference that summarizes the strategic plan.


1.Strategic plan included a comprehensive summary of changes in healthcare quality improvement initiatives over the past 10 years and a comprehensive description of how quality improvement initiatives are influencing healthcare practices with supporting evidence.

  2.Strategic plan included a comprehensive analysis of state and national health care quality measures and the quality improvement principles used in developing your initiatives and a comprehensive description of each quality improvement principle with supporting references.

  3.Clear and thorough discussion on components of Magnet Recognition Program and quality improvement initiatives developed to address patient safety outcomes.

  4.Clear and thorough evaluation of the one model of quality improvement and how it was used to address patient safety challenges including comprehensive descriptions of the model with multiple examples of how the model is used to address patient safety challenges.

  5.Comprehensive list of at least two quality improvement initiatives and strategies that include engaging healthcare staff as part of the initiative. Included multiple examples for each item on the list.

  6.Clear and thorough summary of the common threats to quality improvement Provided multiple supporting rationales for application of a quality improvement model and strategy to neutralize the threats.

  7.Clear and thorough: PowerPoint presentation, with either speaker’s notes, about the process of developing and implementing quality improvement initiatives. Provided clear and thorough description for each sub-bullet of the strategic plan.


Critical Commentary Paper


FREDERICK DOUGLASS AND WOMAN SUFFRAGE Author(s): S. JAY WALKER Source: The Black Scholar, Vol. 14, No. 5, THE BEST OF THE BLACK SCHOLAR: The Black Woman III (Sept-Oct 1983), pp. 18-25 Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/41067047

In your response essay, you will address in detail your critical examination of some ideas(s) or theme (s) using the class readings/ discussions/video sources to support your points. Select and write about major idea(s) or issues that you found compelling or interesting from the class. What do you find important or thought-provoking about the subject matter you have selected to discuss? What did you learn new? Conclude your paper by indicating additional questions you have that arise from your attempt to compose your response.


.4 pages

. double-spaced, 12point font

Internet search for a news broadcast

Internet search for a news broadcast

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 10 and read Chapter 11 in the textbook. Search the following websites or your favorite sites for broadcast media: Top Public Relations Podcasts for a PR Pro (Links to an external site.), The Best Podcasts of 2021 (Links to an external site.), American Rhetoric’s Online Speech Bank (Links to an external site.), and National Public Radio (Links to an external site.).

Conduct an Internet search for a news broadcast (TV, radio, or podcast) and insert the URL to the broadcast in this forum. You may want to use the Advanced Internet Search Techniques (Links to an external site.) tip sheet from the UAGC Library in your search. Assess the effectiveness of a broadcast based on the elements that are successful for  video and audio copy.

In your own words, write an extra 1-minute section to the broadcast you selected (about 300 words). Improve on the message or add commentary. Make it impactful. What was left unsaid? What could have been said better? Have fun with it!

analyzing your day using technology tools

Critically analyze your day using technology tools to assist


  • Critically analyze your day using technology tools to assist.


  • GREETING: Include a welcome that greets Team Bonner and your fellow classmates (For example: Hello Everyone!).
  • PARAGRAPH 1: Do you have time for self-care in your day?

    1. Choose three tasks (home, work, and/or school) – Describe your tasks and how you prioritize those tasks (urgency, importance, difficulty).
    2. Create a sample time blocking with your daily tasks using a technology tool to assist you – Which technology tool did you use (Google Calendar, Outlook, or other)?
    3. Why did you choose the above tool for time blocking?
    4. In your time blocks include at least 20 minutes for the day for yourself to rest your mind through meditation, exercise, daydreaming, listening to music, etc. You can block off the time incrementally throughout the day or all at once in one 20-minute chunk. What self-care task(s) did you choose for the day and how did you block your time (incrementally or all at once)?
    5. How difficult was time blocking self-care?
    6. How much spare time do you have left?
  • PARAGRAPH 2: Do you have time for an unexpected event in your day?

    1. Describe a scenario where an unexpected event has upset your day. What was the event and how did it upset your day?
    2. Do you have enough time to take on unexpected events while maintaining your home, work, school, and self-care priorities?
    3. What is another technology tool (different tool than the one you used in paragraph 1) you can try to help you with prioritizing and managing your day? Why did you select this technology tool?
    4. Considering this exercise, do you think technology tools are useful in prioritizing and organizing your day?
    5. Will you continue to use time blocking with a technology tool in the future? Why or why not?

Organizational Structure and Management Systems

Capability Development and Organizational Structure 

This week, our focus is on capability development and organizational structure as they apply to strategy implementation. For this critical thinking assignment, read Chapter 6, “Organizational Structure and Management Systems: The Fundamentals of Strategy Implementation” and evaluate a KSA company and their processes of strategy execution.

  1. How does the strategy developed in the strategic planning processes translate into action for this company? Consider the role of capital expenditure budgets, operating plans, and performance management systems.
  2. What role do resources, processes, motivation, play in strategy execution in this company and what stands in the way?
  3. How does this company’s structure and management system promote the effective implementation of the company’s strategy?
  4. What specific organizational capability should the company develop to support implementation?


  • Be 4 to 5 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use  APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.


computer crimes

computer crimes

Research by finding an article or case study discussing ONE of the following computer crimes/incidents:

1) Network intrusions
2) Destruction of data and information
3) Denial of service attack
4) Theft of logins and passwords
5) Malicious code and programs
6) IP spoofing
7) Information warfare
8) Cyber-terrorism


summarize the article you have chosen.

You will be graded on Content/Subject Knowledge, Critical Thinking Skills, Organization of Ideas, and Writing Conventions.

Use at least 500 words