Internet search for a news broadcast

Internet search for a news broadcast

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review Chapter 10 and read Chapter 11 in the textbook. Search the following websites or your favorite sites for broadcast media: Top Public Relations Podcasts for a PR Pro (Links to an external site.), The Best Podcasts of 2021 (Links to an external site.), American Rhetoric’s Online Speech Bank (Links to an external site.), and National Public Radio (Links to an external site.).

Conduct an Internet search for a news broadcast (TV, radio, or podcast) and insert the URL to the broadcast in this forum. You may want to use the Advanced Internet Search Techniques (Links to an external site.) tip sheet from the UAGC Library in your search. Assess the effectiveness of a broadcast based on the elements that are successful for  video and audio copy.

In your own words, write an extra 1-minute section to the broadcast you selected (about 300 words). Improve on the message or add commentary. Make it impactful. What was left unsaid? What could have been said better? Have fun with it!

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