Program Implementation Plan

Program Implementation Plan

For this assignment, you will now use the information and findings from your community needs assessment to complete the second phase of this project: development of a program/intervention implementation plan. Your program/intervention implementation plan will include: a description of the program, logic model outlining the intervention, implementation timeline and action plan, and a budget and budget justification for your intervention. Use the “Program Implementation Plan” template to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Benchmark – Program Implementation Plan

Part 1 – Description of Program and Logic Model

Describe an evidence-based intervention based on your completed needs assessment. Your intervention should be population-based and informed by your chosen theory and SMART goals and objectives. Population-based interventions can be directed at the entire population within a community, the systems that affect the health of those populations, and/or the individuals and families within those populations known to be at risk. Use the Logic Model to design your proposed intervention.

  1. Description of the Intervention
    1. Describe the population-based, evidence-based program/intervention.



  1. Discuss how the intervention will support improving the health issue for the target population.




  1. Goal and Objectives
    1. Goal:


  1. Process Objectives (the activities to be completed in a specific time period):




  1. Outcome Objectives (changes in knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, policy, environment systems, etc.):




  1. Complete the Logic Model. Design your intervention using the template on the following page:



 Part 2 – Implementation Timeline and Action Plan

Develop a program timeline and action plan using a Gantt chart, depicting the key tasks, activities and people involved in the first 12 months (1 year) of implementing your program and the projected timeframe for completion of each task. Use the objectives you defined in Part 1.


Objective: By the end of the school year, district health educators will have delivered lessons on tobacco refusal skills to 90% of youth participants in the middle school tobacco prevention curriculum.
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Train volunteers on curricula Program coordinator X X
Deliver education classes Volunteers X X X


  1. Complete the table below for your intervention (add rows, as needed):


Objective 1:
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective 1:
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective 1:
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective 1:
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Objective 1:
    Timeline for Tasks/Activities
Task/Activity Personnel Responsible Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



Part 3 – Budget and Budget Justification


Review the “Program Budget Resource” to complete your budget and justification. Identify a potential source of funding for your project. Add or remove rows from the tables below, as needed, to complete your budget.


Source of Funding:


  1. Personnel
Staff Position Yearly Salary % of Time Fringe Benefits

(as % or additional cost)

Total Amount

(Do not add fringe benefits twice.)



  1. Travel
Item Description of Travel Event Expenses Amount
Item 1
Item 2  
Item 3  




  1. Equipment
Equipment Item Description Amount Total


  1. Supplies
Supply Item Description Amount Total


  1. Consultant

Organizational Affiliation

Services to Be Rendered and

Relevance to Service Project

Number of Days Expected Rate of Compensation
Total     Total


  1. Other
Item Description Amount or


Total Total




  1. Total Direct Costs


Budget Item Total Amount


  1. Budget Proposal and Justification

Write a 250-500 word justification for your budget. The justification summarizes the resources needed and why. Provide relevant rationale and evidence to support your summary.







Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership

Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership

BILL GATES – learn about how this leader or organization employs Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to motivate, influence, and lead others.


– Summary of the principles of servant leadership employed by the leader to motivate, inspire, and lead others;

– Specific examples to illustrate the leader’s application of servant leadership principles;

– Information about the unique way the leader exerts influence and inspires followership; and

– Discussion of what would you seek to emulate or see more of in your own organization from both the people who lead you and the leadership you provide to others.

Use a minimum three resources to strengthen and support your claims. 

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

750 words 

Ethical Frameworks

Ethical Frameworks

pgs 67-95 in Ethics for the Information Age.

Concerning your ethical framework, please answer the following two questions:

1) When you have to address moral questions, please rank order from 1 (Highest) to 5 (Lowest) the five ethical frameworks (eg Kantianism, Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, Social Contract Theory, & Virtue Ethics) in terms of their meaning and usefulness to you.  What is the rationale for your rank ordering?

2) In addition to your preferred ethical framework(s) above, what other factors do you generally consider when addressing moral questions?

Search entries or author

Ethics Of Testing On Vulnerable Populations

Ethics Of Testing On Vulnerable Populations

In this discussion, we will explore the ethics of testing on vulnerable populations. After reviewing the required resources, answer the questions below.

1.What are some examples of vulnerable populations in cognitive psychology? What makes them vulnerable?

2.What is an example of a precaution that psychological scientists can use when testing or applying a new protocol or technology that might help a vulnerable population?

3.Between the need to help people with cognitive impairments and the need to patiently accumulate reliable data, where should we draw the line?

4.What are the dangers of unsupported claims by researchers and the media in products sold as “helping your memory” or “enhancing your attention”?

5.How does the concept of testing on vulnerable populations apply to at least one of the following programmatic course themes?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 200 words.

No direct quotations

organizational culture and develop culture for change

organizational culture and develop culture for change

Discuss the importance of an organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies.

1.How should these elements shape the organizational culture and develop culture for change?

2. Share a company that has done a great job in ensuring their leaders and employees understand their mission, vision, values, and strategies. Why is this a plus for the company?


APA format

175 – 265 words

Must Cite at least one peer-reviewed reference

COVID-19 and Structural Changes in Healthcare

COVID-19 and Structural Changes in Healthcare

In this week’s video from Wall Street Journal below, Why the Health Care Sector May Not Rebound to Its Former Size.

Professor Cutler discusses three major structural areas in U.S. healthcare that have been changed by the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. Increased use of telemedicine

2. Changes to scope of practice rules

3. Payment system reform.

Pick ONE of these three areas above after watching the video link below.


Health Ethics

Health Ethics

Ethical dilemmas are those where there is neither an easy answer nor a decision that is absolutely the right one. Healthcare professionals must deal with these challenges based on their training and knowledge of ethical principles and decision making. Choose an ethical dilemma from the list below and answer the questions

  • Genetic testing and home test kits
  • Physician-assisted death
  • Artificial intelligence and clinical decision making
  • Organ transplantation and artificial organs

cost pools and cost drivers

 Cost Accounting

A X + Х < { > 0 = ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam € 15 – 40 → 25:04 Which of the following is true? 0 a. Total Sales – Total fixed Costs + Total Variable costs = Profit o b. Total Sales – Total Variable costs + Total Fixed Cost = Profit o C. Total Sales – Total Variable Costs – Total Fixed Costs = Profit d. Total Sales – Total Variable Costs – Profit O 30% A X + Х < > 0 = ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam + 19 – 40 → 口 19:06 Accept or Reject a special customer….. 0 a. Routine Operating Decision o b. Is a non Routine Operating Decision o C. Can be a routine or a non routine operating decision o Is not a routine operating decision and is not a non routine operating decision. o d. 40% A X + Х → 0 = – ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam 9 – 40 → 口 39:06 Maintenance is a support department for which costs is allocated based on square feet, and cafeteria is a support department for which costs are allocated based on number of employees. 0 Maintenance cotst is $30,000. Number of square feet for cafeteria is 2,000, for Operating department 1 is 3,500 and for Operating department 2 cafeteria will be……… 4,000. If the direct method is used, maintenance costs allocated to the a. $28,571.43 O b. $15,909 O C. $10,000 o d. $0 O 15% exam sa 1 0 @ https://exam E ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam 27 – 40 2 Osamah Company’s projected sales for January are 70,000 units and for February 90,000 units. Beginning inventory for the year is 27,000 units. Ending inventory for each month should be 30% of the next month’s sales. How many units should the company produce in January? a. 106.000 b. 70.000 C. 78,000 о d. 90,000 o Direct Materials Efficiency Variance =.. a. Standard Price X (Standard Quantity Allowed – Actual Quantity) b. Actual Price X (Standard Quantity – Actual Quantity) C. Actual Price X (Standard Quantity + Actual Quantity) d. Standard Quantity X (Standard Price – Actual rice) @ = HE ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam 31 KLM Company has a total cost of SAR 36,750 at 3,500 units, and at 3,000 units total cost is SAR 33,750. What is the variable cost per uni- a. SAR2.00 b. SAR6.00 c. SAR8.00 d. SAR1.00 III ACCT 301 Cost Accounting Final 20 marks Exam ABC (Activity Based Costing) systems differ from traditional systems in that ABC systems… a. Assign costs only to units of product b. Use multiple cost pools and cost drivers to allocate direct costs C. Trace direct costs to cost objects d. Use multiple cost pools and cost drivers to allocate overhead costs

Production processes and methods

Production processes and methods


1-List and define the four production processes
2-Explain the three major production methods and provide examples.

3-Describe at least three important factors to consider before making a decision on a company location. Provide examples.


1 APPALLING ORDEAL APPALLING ORDEAL “This case has been adjourned to a date, to be communicated to the various counsels pronto. The accused shall be held in the San Quentin penitentiary prison as investigations continue.” Justice Lydia Mount concluded her verdict, striking the gavel gently onto her desk. I was led to the awaiting prison transport vehicle, and later ending up in the historical San Quentin prison. On the night of 24th February 2015, while heading back home, I passed through a poorly lit alley leading to the slums of Los Angeles where my humble aboard is. Walking through this path, I was full of spirits, for, after such long hours at work, I headed back home to a loving wife and two-month-old daughter, Nerissa. Some five strides before me lay a man in a pool of blood. The body seemed lifeless. Concerned, I hurried towards him only to confirm my worst of fears. The man was dead, two bullet holes through his chest. I was astonished that I had not even the tiniest of ideas on what to do. Some few moments later, I was in a police vehicle, handcuffed—the car headed to my home, accused of first-degree murder. My little cottage was ransacked by these two police officers who were so rogue in their handling the so-called search for evidence linking me to the killing. The mattress where innocent Nerissa laid was turned in an incautious manner leaving the little being at the mercy of the hard floor. My wife Suzy protested at this only to receive a slap loud as a clap which stung her face. And it had left a red welt behind. Just below her eye was a small cut where the ring had caught her. She staggered backward, clutching her face, eyes watering. Five years in prison, awaiting the so long investigations to be completed, today I stood at the dock once again, a death sentence lingering in my brains. Nothing seems to be making sense to me, the courtroom is so full, and all I can see are unclear figures of people in the courtroom. “All of the evidence leads to the accused being guilty of first-degree murder.” My heart sank. I was headed for the gallows. “But,” continued the judge. “The witnesses accounts don’t add up, and therefore I find the accused innocent of the charges leveled against him.” I felt a spasm of joy in 2 APPALLING ORDEAL my heart; all this was unbelievable; my eyes teared dry. The frame-up had failed. I walked back home to an empty house; my wife couldn’t take the loneliness she had gone through the five years, and she had decided to leave, thanks to the perpetrators of the frame-up. .  Question 1 – complete both A, B, C and D – Question 2 – complete A and B – Bibliography and Referencing are NOT required. However academic penalties will apply where exam answers show evidence of plagiarism or collusion. – Students are to type their answers to both questions as a Word document and submit this file to Turnitin via the link on the Moodle page. Students must clearly indicate the question number (and parts A,B,C, or D) at the top of their answers. Students must type their Student ID and Full Name into the header or footer of their exam answer. Students must save their exam answer with a file name that indicates their student ID and name (e.g. 12345678_JohnSmith.docx) before submission to Turnitin. – The Turnitin submission link for the take-home exam will appear at the top of the Moodle page for BUS200. – ALL STUDENT EXAM ANSWERS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE TURNITIN LINK ON MOODLE BY SUNDAY 14 JUNE 5PM. No extensions of time will be permitted. T120 BUS200 Law of Business Organisations Final Examination Page 1 of 3 Question 1. (25 marks) Truth Enterprises Ltd (Truth) is a company that was incorporated in 2008. The constitution of Truth has the following stated object: “the business of the company is to invest in online retail fashion stores”. Truth has three directors, Rhonda, Maria and Miranda, who together own 20% of the company’s shares. The remaining shares are split equally between four investors: Mr JJ, Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice. Since incorporation, Truth has not returned a great deal of profits to members. Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice think they have an idea to greatly enhance the profitability of Truth. They put forth a proposal at a members’ meeting that Truth should purchase a number of high-end retail fashion stores (i.e. “bricks and mortar” businesses). Rhonda, Maria and Miranda are not keen on the members’ proposal. However, the three directors are informed that they will be removed from the Board if they do not comply with the proposal of Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice. Although Mr JJ does not support them, Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice have sufficient voting power together to action the removal of the three directors. Therefore Rhonda, Maria and Miranda feel compelled to act in accordance with the wishes of the 3 shareholders. Question 1: Answer all parts A, B, C and D A). Identify which section of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) gives members the power to remove directors in a company such as Truth Enterprises Ltd (1 mark). B). Identify which section of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) gives members the power to appoint a new director in a company such as Truth Enterprises Ltd (1 mark). C). What are the requirements to be appointed as a director? Refer to the relevant sections of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in your answer (3 marks). D). Discuss the consequences of a breach of constitutional objects for Truth Enterprises Ltd and its directors and shareholders, making reference to the relevant sections of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (20 marks). T120 BUS200 Law of Business Organisations Final Examination Page 2 of 3 Question 2. (25 marks) Fenner Fashions Ltd designs fashion items, including clothing, accessories and cosmetics. Fenner Fashions has three directors on its Board, and these directors are also directors of a subsidiary company of Fenner Fashions called Mean Beanies Pty Ltd (Mean Beanies). The three directors are majority shareholders in both Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies. During August of 2019, Mean Beanies contracts with another company, No Sale Pty Ltd, for the purchase of goods to the value of $250,000. In due course, No Sale Pty Ltd fails to deliver the goods to Mean Beanies, and the company does not refund any money to Mean Beanies. The three directors of Mean Beanies decide not to commence legal action to recover the $250,000 from No Sale Pty Ltd. They simply advise: “it would not be an advisable course of action”. This decision results in a major loss for Mean Beanies that also has a serious financial effect on Fenner Fashions. The minority members of both Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies are concerned with the way the company is being run by the 3 directors, and so they seek legal advice. Question 2: Answer both A and B A). Outline the liability of the directors in terms of their duties under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Have the directors breached their duties to either Fenner Fashions or Mean Beanies? (10 marks). B). Identity the possible remedies that the minority members could seek against Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies. Consider whether the minority members are likely to be successful (15 marks)