professional portfolio assignment

professional portfolio assignment

This professional portfolio assignment will prepare the students to market and negotiate for employment as an advanced nurse practitioner. The assignment must contain the following:

  1. Copy of NP job description (include current APA citation of source)
  2. One letter of recommendation
  3. Resume as an NP
    • Resume Sample and resume builder can be found on the St. Thomas website under library section. Once there click on database by subject and then scroll down to career, then click on got resume builder and create a free account.
  4. Cover Letter for NP job
    • Cover Letter Sample can be found in course textbook on page 543, Box 20-2.

Submission Instructions:

  • The cover letter and resume should be 12 font times new roman and no more than 2 pages.

Building Your Job Skills

Building Your Job Skills


Review the page “Building Your Job Skills” For this assignment, identify 10 job skills that you currently have to work in healthcare informatics. Use the resource for categories.

Use the sample form to create a table with four columns – be sure to allow for more skills to be added as you take more classes in the program.

Skills Details Example Where
Report Writing Gather data, Report design, used Tableau, Modified based on feedback from users Create a productivity dashboard to track complete of pharmacy orders Improvement project at Swedish Edmonds



Purpose: This list of skills will be used to build your resume and LinkedIn profile in HTI 365. You can start anytime before this, you can even start building your resume now. If you are diligent about documenting your skills as you progress through the program, you will be better prepared to market yourself for your career in informatics.

Criteria: A document with a table that includes four columns, a header row with labels and 10 entries.


Kids Holiday Gifting Strategy accessible

Kids Holiday Gifting Strategy accessible



“Kids Holiday Gifting Strategy accessible”

A. Start working on “The Challenge Ahead” and “Other Considerations for this Challenge” (You will also find this in the PDF; however, I pasted both sections below.)

B. Go to section “What to submit for the case:” and read it (this is also paste it below)

C. Start working on section “Kids Holiday Gifting Strategy” (this is also paste it below)

D. Remember this assignment has to be a term paper of at least 8 pages long from start to finish (no gaps)

The Challenge Ahead. 

In order to win Holiday, develop a strategy to deliver a compelling assortment and innovative omnichannel shopping experience throughout the entire season. As you consider your strategy, make sure to consider how to drive sales and traffic consistently through the season. Your strategy should effectively leverage sales channels (stores/.com/mobile) at various points throughout the season. Use the framework of the 4 Ps to brainstorm ideas for how you would approach this challenge as a buyer within one of Target’s Kids’ categories.

1. Product / Assortment: How should Target differentiate its assortment online and in stores? Would you offer channel-specific product exclusives? Why?

2. Price: How will your pricing strategy differ by channel, if at all? Determine a profitable pricing strategy for the entire season. When is it important to price aggressively?

3. Promotions: How will your promotional cadence vary throughout the season? How and when will you leverage stores/.com/mobile to drive your strategy? How will you deliver relevant promotions during the middle of December? How can you create an omni-channel promotional event and what is the best timing for this? What tools will you use or develop to support your promotions (think Cartwheel, Twitter, Wish List, Instagram, Facebook, etc.)?

4. Place / Supply Chain: How will you use Free Shipping, Store Pickup and Ship from Store to differentiate and drive your strategy?

Other Considerations for this Challenge: 

Product Categories: Kids’ categories span many product categories at Target. What categories should Target prioritize for Holiday? Are there certain categories that are more appropriate for stores or Why? Pay special attention to categories where Target can differentiate itself from the competition. Are there certain Kids categories Target doesn’t carry that it should?

• Team: How should digital and store buyers approach decisions about assortment, pricing, and promotions? Remember, the guest demands consistency across channels. What other issues might you consider in planning with buyers in other departments and categories?

• Stores: Remember to consider store execution in how your strategies will be implemented. Are there risks you should consider? In what other ways can you use store team members to help drive an omni-channel Holiday strategy?

• Marketing: How should Target engage guests, and in what channels, to advance your Holiday strategy? Think of the many touch points guests have with the Target brand and consider which of these touch points is most impactful during the Holiday season. Also consider the channels where consumers are going to get gift ideas and inspiration. (Think print media, sites like Pinterest, and other mediums). If you would like to select a specific category within Kids, feel free to choose from the divisions below:

• Electronics: Mobile, TV/Audio, Portable Electronics, and Video Games • Toys: Dolls/Plush, Games/Action Figures/Diecast, Preschool/Seasonal • Entertainment: Music, Movies, and Books

What to submit for the case:  

  • Cover sheet – listing the name of your case and the full names of all group members
  • Double space the paper
  • Use standard size font (12 point) and standard margins (1.0”) on left/right sides.
  • Please write your paper in outline form using page numbers on the bottom right side
  • Include a table of contents with page numbers for each section
  • Optional: an appendix with additional information, graphs, photos, etc.

The paper should be 8+ pages depending on how you write it.  If you write it as a term paper from start to finish (no gaps), then it will be at least 8 pages.  If you write it in outline form, where each category starts a new page, then your paper can go 15 – 20 pages (because most pages will not be fully written.)  You may choose the style that works for your team.  Remember, longer and more detailed is ALWAYS better!


Kids Holiday Gifting Strategy

  1. SWOT Analysis of current situation (this can be a chart) but each area MUST be explained
  2. In order to win Holiday, develop a strategy to deliver a compelling assortment and innovative omni-channel shopping experience throughout the entire season. As you consider your strategy, make sure to consider how to drive sales and traffic consistently throughout the season.  Your strategy should effectively leverage sales channels (stores/.com/mobile) at various points throughout the season.  Use the framework of the 4Ps to brainstorm ideas for how you would approach this challenge as a buyer within one of Target’s Kids’ categories – Product/Assortment; Price; Promotions; Place/Supply Chain.  (See Target case for other questions)
    • You can select a specific category within Kids, if you’d like: (see handout)
      • Electronics
      • Toys
      • Entertainment
  3. Discuss any of the suggested areas to consider – as fits with your proposal – product categories; team; stores; marketing.
  4. Second SWOT Analysis based upon implementation of the proposal. This can be a chart but each area MUST be explained
  5. Financial considerations – rough financial costs/budget for your proposed suggestions
  6. Conclusion

consciousness and artificial intelligence

consciousness and artificial intelligence

This week we will discuss consciousness and artificial intelligence.  Watch this video:

Now read this article:

Using these two sources as well as your readings for this week to support your discussion, do you think robots will ever achieve consciousness in the same sense that humans are conscious? Why or why not? Should scientists be trying to achieve the goal of consciousness in machines? What are some ethical issues one might consider when arguing for or against the achievement of conscious robots?




Classmate post 1:

Do you think robots will ever achieve consciousness in the same sense that humans are conscious? Why or why not?

I think it is hard to tell whether or not AI will ever achieve consciousness because as humans we are prone to anthropomorphizing things and we cannot truly be sure whether or not the appearance of sentience in AI is just a “clever illusion,” at least as of now. I was watching a video about how one of the Google employees testing its LaMDA AI believed it had achieved sentience, and reading the transcript of the conversation between him and the AI was incredibly eerie and the AI certainly gave the appearance of being sentient. One thing I know is that people trying to figure out whether or not an AI has achieved consciousness will teach us a lot about human consciousness itself and how to define it, as we ourselves still can’t fully understand it.

Should scientists be trying to achieve the goal of consciousness in machines? What are some ethical issues one might consider when arguing for or against the achievement of conscious robots?

I think it would be very cool to be able to one day talk to a robot that has achieved consciousness, but I have to also think about whether it would be a good thing for humanity. I think if we intend to have machines and AI work alongside us and help us, it would be best to avoid trying to recreate consciousness in them. I think it would only cause issues with them fulfilling their actual purpose if humans come to see them as too similar to themselves and as having emotions and feelings; we would naturally be prone to becoming attached to them and could be easily manipulated by an AI with ill intentions. It would also raise some serious ethical issues in my opinion, as if an AI/robot is truly sentient and capable of human emotion, should we then treat them as human? Would shutting down a sentient AI be the same thing as murder? Can a sentient robot experience emotional trauma? This is a slippery slope, but I think that it is one we will have to deal with since scientists will likely only continue to seek to achieve AI consciousness.

Classmate post 2:

Humans are continually surprised and inspired by technological advancements since they make our daily life easier. Yes, it makes life simpler and more smooth. Humans are aware that our capacity for reasoning and awareness of our surroundings gives us an advantage over these “smart machines.” But as AI or artificial intelligences proliferate, it forces us to consider if it is ethical and possible for these robots to have the same consciousness as humans.

According to the readings and references at hand, it seems too soon to determine whether or not robots would ever develop a feeling of consciousness among themselves. Nevertheless, as change is unavoidable, there may be opportunities for it to develop. Hod Lipson, a roboticist and professor of engineering at Columbia University, stated that everyone should be aware that technology is on the horizon and that the next generation—your children and grandchildren—will live in a time when machines match or perhaps surpass human self-awareness (Seeker, 2019, 0:07).  The widespread belief that humans will soon be replaced by robots, particularly in the workforce, appears to be related to the ethical concerns that scientists should also have. Ethics should be taken into account even though scientists can still work toward their aim of creating conscious machines.  Aside from unemployment, other moral concerns include unequal access to other options, manufactured errors, security, and AI biases. However, the ethical question of whether machines may be sentient is important because if they can, they would no longer be considered merely a means to an end defined by how valuable they are to us as humans but rather would become a goal in and of themselves (Koch, 2019, para. 32).

Accountable Care Act

Accountable Care Act

The ACA and Your Future!

Throughout the course, we have discussed the components of the Accountable Care Act (ACA) and its potential influence in reaching the triple aims for health which include:

  1. Better care: Improve the over-all quality by making healthcare more patient centered, reliable, accessible, and safe;
  2. Healthy people/healthy communities: Improve the health of the US population by supporting proven interventions to address behavioral, social, and environmental determinants of health; and
  3. Affordable care: Reduce the cost of quality health care for individuals, families, employers, and government.

Based on what you have learned in this course, please read the below document and identify what you believe are the top two strengths and the top two weakness of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As a future or current healthcare leader, do you think that this legislation brings value to the process? Explain your reasons for your answer.

This assignment is a 350-word minimum posting.

becoming a Secondary (High School, 9th-grade) Algebra 1 Teacher

becoming a Secondary (High School, 9th-grade) Algebra 1 Teacher

Answer the following questions in 4-6 sentences each.

This assignment involves information related to becoming a Secondary (High School, 9th-grade) Algebra 1 Teacher. Everything written must pertain to this profession and position.


  • What is the teacher’s role in supporting learning, improving planning and practice, upholding professional expectations, and collaboratively advancing the profession?
  • What dispositions do you currently possess will make you a successful teacher? What dispositions do you need to work on before you enter the classroom as a first-year teacher?
  • What effect could personal biases have on teaching and learning? According to the expectations of the profession, how should biases be taken into perspective?
  • Reflecting on your own professional dispositions related to education, explain how you will uphold and adhere to academic and professional integrity as a teacher candidate, and as a future teacher.




Consider a potential social science research project that you would like to conduct. Describe the project very briefly and then focus on the three major aspects of your project: Define your research puzzle. It should be something that you are curious about to explore. Consider the following model research scenario: “It is a commonly accepted fact that the bigger a country’s military and the more developed its economy are, the easier it should defeat a smaller and a weaker opponent. However, sometimes the stronger countries lose to their weaker counterparts”; Define the research question based on the research puzzle. In the same model example above, you may come up with the following question, “Why do big countries lose wars against the smaller enemies?”; Come up with a solid work hypothesis that would give provisional explanation(s) of the phenomena you are interested in. The following could be one of the work hypothesis in the model scenario above, “The weaker party uses non-conventional tactics of guerilla warfare, which the stronger country’s military is not used to. “…[T]he guerrilla wins if he does not lose. The conventional army loses if it does not win.” (Henry Kissinger). Pick a theory that would provide tentative frameworks of reference for operationalization of your project. From our example, “Asymmetric warfare is the best explanation of the losses the strong conventional military may suffer against non-conventional weaker insurgents.” Written assignment instructions: Each of the section should take not more than 1-2 paragraphs. Please, make sure to include citations and full bibliography using APA style guidelines. Please, keep the length of your submissions to 2-3 pages, double-spaced.

nine core nurse practitioner competencies outlined by NONPF

 nine core nurse practitioner competencies outlined by NONPF and consider how you can effect positive social change in your community for salient advanced practice nursing issues.


National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Competencies

The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) has determined core competencies that apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless of specialty or patient population focus. NONPF has represented them within nine broad areas of core competence. NONPF created the first set of Nurse Practitioner Competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2017. This synthesis course has had the overarching objective of preparing you to be able to synthesize knowledge gained throughout the program and be prepared to apply each of the nine core competencies within your selected areas of practice and your representative communities.

The nine broad areas of competency are:

  1. Scientific Foundations
  2. Leadership
  3. Quality
  4. Practice Inquiry
  5. Technology and Information Literacy
  6. Policy
  7. Health Delivery System
  8. Ethics
  9. Independent Practice

To Prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, focusing on the NONPF Core Competencies Content.

The Assignment

For each of the nine NONPF competencies, write one paragraph explaining how the program has prepared you to meet it (for a total of at least nine paragraphs). Then, propose and explain how you plan to engage in social change in your community as a nurse practitioner. Be specific and provide examples.


electronic health records software

Electronic Health Records Pitch


Please answer each question and include a speaker note.
Assume that you are a health care administrator who oversees a small conglomerate of local clinics. After the recent acquisition of a physical therapy clinic, it was brought to the attention of key stakeholders that the clinics were all operating with different electronic health records software, which was affecting interoperability between clinics. In an effort to streamline communication and improve efficiency, the CEO has asked you to look up some options for a new EHR software to implement across all of your health network’s clinics. Research the different types of electronic health records software on the market and choose the top three that would prove most beneficial to your health network and include robust speaker notes with each question, and present your findings to the CEO and other key stakeholders. Identify all three EHR software options you have selected for consideration, and include the following in your presentation:
1. System requirements and compatible interfaces for each
2. The cost of implementation
3. Timeline for integration and user training
4. Privacy and security options, including patient accessibility to records
5. Capabilities of what each software system will enable clinics to do that they were previously unable to accomplish
6. How each system would facilitate efficient communication and increase interoperability between clinics
7. Pros and cons of each software system in relation to the other options you have selected
8. Recommendation for which option you believe the network should adopt and why .
Cite all sources used and include them on a reference slide, not included in the slide length requirement.

Genetic Algorithm

Computational Intelligence in Business, Economics & Finance

Paper Instructions
The paper contains TWO questions. Answer ALL the questions.
Notes to Candidates

This examination is designed to take two hours but you can take longer if you
wish. Please ensure that you submit your answer booklet within 24 hours of the
exam release time.
As you will have access to resources to complete your assessment, any content
you use from external source materials should be cited. Full academic referencing
is not required.
You are reminded of your responsibility to act with honesty, integrity and fairness
in completing assessment requirements for your course, and to demonstrate good
academic practice when undertaking this assessment.
This is an individual piece of work and collusion with others is strictly prohibited.
Plagiarism detection software will be in use.
Breaches of academic integrity will be considered to be academic misconduct.
Where the University believes that academic misconduct has taken place the
University will investigate the case and apply academic penalties as published in
Annex 10 of the Credit Framework.
– 2 –
1. (a) For each of the statements below, say whether it is true or false, and briefly
justify your answer.
(i) The selection method in a Genetic Algorithm can be used to control
the exploration and exploitation properties of the search.
[3 marks]
(ii) Performing a crossover between 2 identical individuals will result in
different offspring.
[3 marks]
(iii) The best individual fitness value of a generation can be lower than the
previous generation.
[3 marks]
(iv) The individual selected as a winner in a tournament selection is
chosen at random.
[3 marks]
(v) Genetic Algorithms guarantee finding the optimal solution for a given
[3 marks]
(b) Given the following 2 individuals of a Genetic Programming population:

Individual 1 Individual 2
where the data types of each function and terminal nodes are:
input data type output data type
AND, OR (boolean, boolean) boolean
>, < (real, real) boolean
+, −, ,  (real, real) real
a, b, 5, 7, 10 – real
(i) Perform a subtree crossover between Individuals 1 and 2, showing
the resulting offspring (2 individuals).
[8 marks]
– 3 –
(ii) Perform a subtree mutation on Individual 1 using the node ‘<’ as the
mutation point, showing the resulting offspring (1 individual).
[4 marks]
(iii) Create a new individual using a full initialisation method and a
maximum tree depth of 3.
[3 marks]
– 4 –
2. (a) Consider the problem of finding the shortest path in a city map starting
from a point A and terminating at a point B. Is this a travelling
salesman problem (TSP)? Justify your answer, also referring to the
computational complexity of the problem.
[6 marks]
(b) (i) Consider the following 5-city TSP problem illustrated in Figure A. The
edges of the graph correspond to the distance between the cities. What is the
cost of the dashed tour (i.e. the tour 1-2-3-4-5-1)?
[2 marks]
Figure A
(ii) Is there any better solution (tour) to improve the cost calculated in (i)?
Indicate the tour, the cost and justify why this is a better solution with
respect to the previous tour.
[4 marks]
(c) (i) Consider the following 5-city TSP problem illustrated in Figure B. The
edges of the graph correspond to the distance between the cities. Explain what
are the main differences compared to the TSP problem presented in Figure A?
[2 marks]
Figure B
3 2
4 5
3 2
4 5
– 5 –
(ii) Write a viable tour and its related cost for the TSP problem in Figure B.
[4 marks]
(d) (i) Consider a Genetic Algorithm implementation to solve a TSP problem. Is
the binary representation a good choice for the individual representation?
Justify your answer.
[3 marks]
(ii) Provide an example of an individual representation for the tour illustrated
in Figure A (tour 1-2-3-4-5-1). Justify your choice of representation.
[4 marks]
(iii) Describe a suitable mutation operator and apply mutation to the
individual from (ii).
[5 marks]