Building Your Job Skills

Building Your Job Skills


Review the page “Building Your Job Skills” For this assignment, identify 10 job skills that you currently have to work in healthcare informatics. Use the resource for categories.

Use the sample form to create a table with four columns – be sure to allow for more skills to be added as you take more classes in the program.

Skills Details Example Where
Report Writing Gather data, Report design, used Tableau, Modified based on feedback from users Create a productivity dashboard to track complete of pharmacy orders Improvement project at Swedish Edmonds



Purpose: This list of skills will be used to build your resume and LinkedIn profile in HTI 365. You can start anytime before this, you can even start building your resume now. If you are diligent about documenting your skills as you progress through the program, you will be better prepared to market yourself for your career in informatics.

Criteria: A document with a table that includes four columns, a header row with labels and 10 entries.


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