Cold War

Cold War

The Cold War came to an end when the last war of Soviet occupation ended in
Afghanistan, the Berlin Wall came down in Germany, and a series of mostly peaceful
revolutions swept the Soviet Bloc states of eastern Europe in 1989. Check out this short
video and refer to the introduction of Ch 27 From Triumph to Tragedy for more
information. Watch this video

1. What were the major factors of causes that led to the end of the Cold War?
Name three and explain how they connect to each other (the connection is
the part that gets you credit here).
2. What was the end result of the Cold War for the US in 1991? What were the
positive outcomes or negative outcomes of being the only remaining
superpower from the Cold War era?
3. Given a substantial amount of resources were allocated to fighting the Cold
War in a myriad of ways, where did the US military industrial complex focus
after the dissolution of the Soviet Union? What region of the world became
targeted in the 1990s?
Sufficient =300 words, substantive and addresses the prompt

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