

The initial post is due Sunday, February 27 and the response post is due Wednesday, March 2. The discussion will automatically close at 11:59pm, March 2 and no further submissions will be allowed.

In your own words, and thoughtfully answer ONE of the question prompts below:

1. What did Madison consider a faction to be and how could a faction be dangerous to a republic? How does Madison propose to deal with factions? How do you feel he would assess factions in our modern society?

2. Given that more women than men are registered to vote and turn out to vote, why are women so underrepresented in Congress? What causes this phenomenon?

3. Would you ever want to be president? Why or why not? Is being the President the hardest job in the world? Why or why not?

4. Now that you’ve learned about Congress and the President, which of these institutions should take the lead in terms of crafting public policy? Which of these is a more democratic institution? Make sure to justify your answer.

5. Thinking back to fiscal federalism, what are unfunded mandates and why are they controversial? Give some examples of these kinds of policies? Why do you think unfunded mandates proved so difficult to eliminate?

6. Generally speaking would you rather live in a government with strong states and a weak national government or vice versa? Would you feel better represented by one over the other?

Discussion post instructions:

Each student will be required to post two times in each discussion. The initial (first) post must be an original contribution to the conversation, with the second post being a response to something written by a classmate. A quality written post is at least 200 words without grammatical errors. A response post needs to be thoughtful, respectful and at least 100 words.

Remember basic elements of grammar, including beginning sentences with capital letters. Avoid the casual writing style often found on social media and write on an academic level instead. Grammar is major component of this discussion course grade, as you are expected to communicate your understanding of the material and your opinions on the subject in a thoughtful, organized manner.

This is worth 20 points, which are awarded after you’ve completed both components of the discussion and will be determined on how well you followed the above criteria. Remember that these have firm close dates and late submissions are not allowed.

role of the international financial system in international trade

role of the international financial system in international trade

Unit Exercise 4

On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

Exercise Question

Has the recent decline in the US$ been beneficial for Canadian companies exporting to the US? If not, explain why not, using data or recent company examples to justify your argument.

Submission Instructions

Write 500 words (+ 50 words) using APA style format to answer each of the following questions: six exercises worth 5% each, posted in their corresponding . Each report should comprise of an introduction, analysis, and a clear conclusion.

The requirements of citations in your report:

technology to enterprise organizations

technology to enterprise organizations

Each student will select an technology and record a briefing to the class on its role and value to enterprise IT.  The presentation should inform the class of the following areas:

Students will also be expected to review and provide feedback on the presentations of their peers.


  • Students should notify the instructor of their subject technology to avoid duplicates by February 20.
  • Students will upload their recording, or a link to it, to this assignment.
  • Students may employ slides and other media as appropriate.


  • Select a specific capability, application type, or technology market.  Avoid broad technology categories (e.g. cloud computing, machine learning) and specific products (e.g. AWS Lambda, Salesforce Sales Cloud).  The individual markets covered by Gartner Magic Quadrants are good examples of a suitable scope: (Links to an external site.)
  • Make a technology selection and inform the instructor early to confirm its suitability and seek guidance on questions and concerns.
  • Draw on the key topics covered in class so far and highlight the implications for business and organizational strategies, vendor selection, IT service management, digital transformation, and business operations.
  • Avoid going into technical details.
  • Provide a balanced picture of the technology to enable informed decision making.  Be realistic about situations where there may be better alternatives and avoid “over-selling” the technology.


2nd assignment (he one in this chat only has to be one page . Because it’s for a Discussion post )


This assignment is due this week the other one next week

The textbook mentions that the chargeback funding method is considered the most equitable.  However, what are reasons an IT organization may choose to adopt one of the other methods: allocation or centralized budget?  Given such reasons, what are circumstances where the other methods would be more appropriate?

Toulmin structure

Toulmin structure

write a Toulmin argument of 1000 words, MLA format, break out the Toulmin structure,









Land & Nature Jerky Analysis

Land & Nature Jerky Analysis

Please be sure to show your work (points will depend upon my being able to tell what you did).
1) (6 points) We went over incremental revenue to cost in class. Please compute the ratios for
2018 for a) trade promotions and b) consumer promotions. Please compare each to the industry
2) (5 points) We went over the Return-on-Marketing-Investment (ROMI) in class.
Please provide the ROMI for 2018 and 2019 for BOTH trade promotions and consumer
3) (4 points) Kathy Ayers has asked you to provide two things that you think might explain the
trade promotion results and two things that you think might explain the consumer promotion
results. Be sure to carefully explain


Please complete this work individually without referencing any
additional information (e.g., on the web). If you have questions, please ask me rather than
anyone else (

cultural aspect of international business

cultural aspect of international business


On successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:

  • describe and explain different cultural differences and the importance of recognizing these differences,
  • describe the three main types of economies and understand economic development and transition issues, and
  • describe and explain different political and legal systems and understand the increasing importance of CSR and ethics in international business.

Brief Description

The case will focus on issues related to the cultural aspect of international business. Sustainable business practices include CSR issues, foreign investment, and the benefits of regional integration for the countries within, and companies doing business in, that region. The case study analysis will be completed on an individual basis.

Submission Instructions

Read the case study and answer the questions that follow. Each answer must be based on facts from the case and all of the course materials. Each answer should be 1-2 pages long for a total submission length of 10 pages maximum (double spaced, 12 pt font), and must be prepared in APA style format.

Case Questions

  1. Cultural understanding is a key factor in this situation. Comment on the importance of this aspect of market entry and development, being sure to discuss the key elements of understanding and working effectively in Mexico.
  2. Using the Hofstede Framework, analyze the Mexican culture with reference to concepts covered in the course materials.
  3. CSR and business practices are another set of critical issues in this case. Describe four CSR issues and explain how these issues can impact a company’s international business activities.
  4. The Client, in order to develop its Market Entry Strategy fully, will be required to make an investment in Mexico. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies if The Client wanted to use an Adaptation Strategy.
  5. The Client will benefit from trading with other countries in the region. Consider the changes arising from the renegotiation of NAFTA to CUSMA and evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of How significant is the trading area for the firm trading across all three member countries?


The overall grading is out of 100. Below is a breakdown of the grade. Note that simply meeting expectations garners an average grade.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated% of Final GradeContent/60a. Describes the importance of cultural understanding in market entry and development/15b. Analyzes Mexican culture using the Hofstede framework./10c. Describes four CSR issues and explains how these issues can impact the client’s successful entry into Mexico /10d. Explain each of the four means of incorporating risk into market entry strategies./10e. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of regional integration especially relating to CUSMA./15Communication/25a. Uses language clearly and effectively. /10b. Information organized intelligently and holistically (i.e., not simply answers to questions)./10c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper./5Attention to Detail /15a. APA Formatting (title, headings, and references)./10b. Spelling and grammar./5Total/100

Alex Clark chocolate business

Alex Clark chocolate business

After watching the video, answer the following questions in your post:

  • Did Alex Clark initially fund the business with equity or debt?
  • Initially, Clark’s chocolate business is very small. Compared to publicly traded companies, would Clark’s required rate of return on equity be higher or lower than the “average” required rate of return on equity for small cap companies of 15%? Explain your answer.
  • After the business was established, Clark talked about buying a building to expand. This is a good example of an investment project that a business must evaluate. Would the required rate of return for Clark’s building purchase be higher or lower than the overall chocolate company’s required rate of return? Explain your answer.
  • Should Clark use some bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase?
    • Justify your answer by explaining how the weighted average cost of capital for the company would change if Clark uses bank debt to finance all or a portion of the building purchase.
  • What is the primary risk that Clark faces if she uses debt to finance the entire building purchase? For purposes of this discussion, assume that the debt would then comprise 95% of the company’s capital structure.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts, and reply to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. In your written responses to your classmates, address the following:

  • Provide feedback on your peers’ answers, including whether you agree or disagree with any of the answers or reasoning provided. Justify your opinion.
  • State your opinion on whether Clark should use debt to finance the building purchase, and if so, how much debt should be used (as a percent of the total building price). Justify your opinion

Global Logistics

Module 5: Individual Assignment Incoterms

In this individual assignment, you will apply concepts learned in this module (CIFFA etextbook, CIFFA elearning, Lesson: Module 5) around Terms of Trade / Incoterms® 2020. Work out the assignment prior to beginning the quiz

Course Code: INTL704
Course Name: Global Logistics


Module 5: Individual Assignment Incoterms® (15%)


In this individual assignment, you will apply concepts learned in this module (CIFFA etextbook, CIFFA elearning, Lesson: Module 5) around Terms of Trade / Incoterms® 2020. Work out the assignment prior to beginning the quiz.


You are asked to manage the following two shipments of intermodal cargo going by TEU (sea) or ULD (air).

Shipper’s Plant
Budd’s BMW Canada,
Oakville, ON, CA
VW, Taubaté, Brazil
Terminal & customs Schenker Whse,
Montreal, Quebec
Sao Paulo International Airport
Port – seller’s side Port of Halifax, NS Port of Santos, Brazil
Port – buyer’s side Port of Antwerp, Belgium Port of Miami, Florida
Terminal & customs Schenker Whse,
Munich, Germany
YYZ, Toronto
Buyer’s Warehouse
Munich, Germany
VW, 550 Adelaide St E., Toronto, Canada,


Use Shipments A and B (above) to completely label the diagram with locations of delivery and shade the seller’s obligations for the following containerized shipments:


  1. (1 mark) Shipment B – Incoterm® is EXW




Cost Transportation


Risk of ownership
pre-carriage main carriage on-carriage




  1. (1 mark) What is the complete Incoterm®?



  1. (1 mark) Shipment A – Incoterm® is CPT




Cost Transportation


Risk of ownership
pre-carriage main carriage on-carriage



  1. (1 mark) What is the complete Incoterm®?



  1. (1 mark) Shipment B – Incoterm® is CIF port




Cost Transportation


Risk of ownership
pre-carriage main carriage on-carriage
  1. (1 mark) What is the complete Incoterm®?



  1. (1 mark) Shipment A – Incoterm® is DPU port




Cost Transportation


Risk of ownership
pre-carriage main carriage on-carriage


  1. (1 mark) What is the complete Incoterm®?




  1. (1 mark) DAP is best for a contract in which the buyer is a large international company?
  2. true
  3. false


  1. (1 mark) Why? Or Why not? Justify your choice for question 9.


  1. (1 mark) What potential problem is there with EXW that makes FCA a better selection in most cases?



  1. (1 mark) Using FOB “named port” in your Sales Contract shows interested parties that (select all that apply):
  2. The freight costs must be prepaid up to the port of arrival
  3. The seller must arrange and pay for marine insurance
  4. It is a marine bulk shipment
  5. The seller must arrange and pay for any documentation or export declaration formalities in the country of origin
  6. The seller must arrange and pay for main-carriage


  1. (1 mark) I am responsible for paying all the bills at my company. I notice that we, the buyers, have received a shipment for which the bill of lading says, “freight prepaid”. Am I correct that we will be receiving an invoice from a carrier or freight forwarder for the freight charges for this shipment?
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Sometimes
  5. I need more information


  1. (1 mark) List the Incoterm(s) ® acronyms used for shipments in which the truck bill of lading delivering the product to final destination is for the seller’s account.




  1. (1 mark) List all the Incoterms® in which responsibility for costs and risks are divided at two different places:



  1. (1 mark) Incoterms® 2020 made a clarification about where delivery takes place. For the terms in “D.” above, which “place” is where the seller is considered to have completed “delivery.”
  2. where the costs divide
  3. where the risks transfer
  4. both places
  5. in this case, no named place is required




Compare and contrast the following two terms:  (2 marks each)

17. Mode(s) of transportation


18. Place of division of cost obligations
19. Place of transfer of responsibility for risk of loss
20. Insurance requirements



  1. (2 marks) Sammy is a freight forwarder arranging shipping of goods via air from Place A to Place B. It is agreed that the Seller will arrange pre-carriage and deliver the goods to Sammy’s warehouse. The rest of the costs and risks are for Sammy’s customer, the Buyer. What is the FULL Incoterm®?




Excellent Exporters, in Brampton, Ontario sells products to Toys R US in Tehran, Iran under a clean, onboard bill of lading.

Terms of sale: CPT, Designated Port, Incoterms® 2020

Cargo: 22 wooden pallets of toys loaded in one 20-ft ocean container

Terms of delivery: consolidated container, ocean freight

Terms of payment: open account, net 60 days


  1. (1 mark) Who selects the freight forwarder and pays the ocean freight charges?

Buyer 􀂈 Seller 􀂈

  1. (1 mark) The place where the risk transfers from the seller to the buyer is the “Designated Port”

True 􀂈 False 􀂈


  1. (1 mark) There are goods of U.S. origin in the consignment and a general export permit is required. However, this GEP 12 was not entered on the export declaration (CAED). Who is responsible for paying the administrative penalty to the CBSA?

Buyer 􀂈 Seller 􀂈


  1. (1 mark) The shipment was delayed at the arrival port due to customs clearance problems. Storage charges were US $600.00. Who is responsible to pay for the storage?

Buyer 􀂈 Seller 􀂈

  1. (1 mark) When the container was unloaded at the consignee’s door, the contents of eight pallets were damaged. Who bears the loss?

Buyer 􀂈 Seller 􀂈

  1. (1 mark) What would be your recommendation about Incoterm® named place in this problem?

You are shipping 5 skids of sulfuric acid from a “Montreal Manufacturer”, sold FCA Montreal Incoterms® 2020. This is an incorrect use of Incoterms® because a specific named location is not given. After the sulfuric acid was loaded into the Cartage company truck, at the plant, the driver on the way to the export terminal in Montreal has an accident on the expressway. His truck “jackknifes”, tips, and crashes against the steel guardrail, busting the trailer doors open and spilling sulfuric acid cans all over the highway, closing it for hours in both directions.


This leaves us with two possible situations:

  1. (2 marks) Situation #1: If the buyer’s “nominated carrier” was moving the sulfuric acid to the export terminal Montreal, then the buyer bears the risk. Please note that “nominated carrier” may also mean “local forwarder”, or “forwarder’s agent overseas giving instructions to their local agent” to collect the freight. A proper description of the Incoterm® for this case would be:Full Incoterm®:










  1. (2 marks) Situation #2: The seller decides to use their own in-house trucks to deliver the cargo to the export terminal. The only information provided to the seller are the booking details for the move. In this situation the seller has yet to deliver the goods in accordance with the Incoterm® used. Thus, the seller has the risk of loss. The proper Incoterm® for this situation would be


Full Incoterm®:



You are employed by YYJ Exports, Victoria, BC. Your company wants to export electrical supplies to Hotwire Electrical Inc. in Tokyo, Japan. Shipping instructions are as follows:

The goods are to be shipped from YYJ Exports by PRO NORTH Trucking (175 Apple Ave., Victoria, B.C.) by truck on the ferry to Vancouver Airport and loaded onto a JL flight to Tokyo

From Tokyo Airport’s Freight Terminal NIPPON Trucking will deliver the goods to Hotwire Electrical Inc. Main Warehouse, 123 ABC Street, Tokyo, Japan.

The buyer has asked that you quote prices under various alternatives. What complete Incoterms® would apply for the following scenarios?


  1. (2 marks) The buyer wants the goods delivered, insured, to Tokyo Terminal, but they are willing to assume risk for the goods once they are given to Pro North Trucking in Victoria.


  1. (2 marks) The buyer wants you to deliver the goods to the Freight Terminal HND Tokyo Airport. The buyer will make their own insurance arrangements, and is willing to assume risk for the goods once they are loaded on to PRO NORTH Trucking’s trailer.



  1. (2 marks) The buyer wants you to deliver the goods packed and loaded to PRO NORTH Trucking at your plant in Victoria. The buyer will accept the risk and cost for the goods once they are in the possession of PRO NORTH Trucking and will make all the necessary arrangements to bring them to Osaka.


  1. (2 marks) The buyer wants you to deliver the goods to JL at the Freight Terminal, Vancouver International where they will accept the risk and cost for the goods and make the necessary arrangements to transport the goods to Tokyo and beyond.




  1. (2 marks) The buyer wants you to deliver the goods to their agent, Schenker Logistics, Tokyo Airport where they will assume risk for the goods, account for them to customs, and pay duties and taxes and handle the final delivery.





  1. (2 marks) Compare and contrast the insurance rules from Incoterms® 2010 to Incoterms® 2020.




  1. (2 marks) Given that the Incoterm® used in a contract is CIF (port of arrival), what advice would you, as a freight forwarder, give your client, the consignee with respect to insurance?




opinion mining

concepts and techniques of opinion mining

Review the article by Hemmatian (2019), on classification techniques.

In essay format answer the following questions:

  1. What were the results of the study?
  2. Note what opinion mining is and how it’s used in information retrieval.
  3. Discuss the various concepts and techniques of opinion mining and the importance to transforming an organizations NLP framework.

In an APA7 formatted essay answer all questions above.  There should be headings to each of the questions above as well.


  1. Hemmatian, H. (2019). A survey on classification techniques for opinion mining and sentiment analysisArtificial Intelligence Review52(3), 1495–154


Theoretical framework

Theoretical framework

You will practice developing your theoretical framework for your mock dissertation topic in this assignment and then develop your literature review funnel for assignment 7.2.

  • The purpose of the theoretical framework is to tie the dissertation together. As the researcher, you should approach the proposed research from a theory or set of theories that provide the backdrop for the work (researchers do not create theory; they use established theory in which to embed their work).
  • This section should describe how this study will relate to existing theories and discuss how the methodology being used in the study links to those theories
  • The theoretical framework justifies the methods you plan to use for conducting the study and presents how this research will contribute to the body of knowledge and/or practice. Further, it describes the context within which to locate the intended project and suggests why doing such a study is worthwhile.
  • Directions: