Land & Nature Jerky Analysis

Land & Nature Jerky Analysis

Please be sure to show your work (points will depend upon my being able to tell what you did).
1) (6 points) We went over incremental revenue to cost in class. Please compute the ratios for
2018 for a) trade promotions and b) consumer promotions. Please compare each to the industry
2) (5 points) We went over the Return-on-Marketing-Investment (ROMI) in class.
Please provide the ROMI for 2018 and 2019 for BOTH trade promotions and consumer
3) (4 points) Kathy Ayers has asked you to provide two things that you think might explain the
trade promotion results and two things that you think might explain the consumer promotion
results. Be sure to carefully explain


Please complete this work individually without referencing any
additional information (e.g., on the web). If you have questions, please ask me rather than
anyone else (
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