mini-portfolio of the companies

mini-portfolio of the companies

Using yahoo finance ( or google finance (, form a mini-portfolio of THREE (3) company stock and write a report to provide reasons how your portfolio is formed.
Form a mini-portfolio of the companies: 1. AC – Associated Capital Group – Financial Services Industry 2. BXS – BancorpSouth Bank – Financial Services Industry 3. SASR – Sandy Spring Bancorp – Financial Services Industry Include the market caps, market price movements for the past 5 years, dividend payments (if possible) for the stocks you select into your portfolio. Also find the stocks’ P/E ratios, Betas, dividend yield information Please provide reasons why your selected portfolio are/aren’t in the same industry and whether or not the companies in your portfolio are socially responsible in production. This report should be in WORD document format that at least 3 pages in length with additional reference/work cited page. This report should have 1” on all sides with Times New Roman of 12-point fonts, and double spaced.

relationship between physical and mental fitness of officer safety

relationship between physical and mental fitness of officer safety

Law enforcement is a demanding job, both physically and mentally. A police officer must maintain a high level of physical and mental fitness to have the required level of officer safety and to properly complete the job each shift. In this assignment, you will complete a paper (Word document) examining the relationship between physical and mental fitness and how they both contribute to officer safety. This paper must be 2-3 pages (not including the title page and references page, which are both required), must be in APA format and have at least three academic references cited (both in-text and in the references list). Do not use blogs, wikis or company/media websites. Use only scholarly sources (such as journal articles, your class textbook or other CJ textbooks). Be sure to submit this as a Word document.

terrorism in the United States

terrorism in the United States

Identify and discuss several ways that recent acts of terrorism in the United States have led to changes in the laws of surveillance, detection, and detention, and describe the constitutional issues raised by these changes.

2 pages

Kennan introduces commodification through a series of lenses


1.What is commodification?

2.Do your students talk about their return on investment?

3.What about the impact of COVID-19?

In chapter 10, Kennan introduces commodification through a series of lenses. First, he offers foundational insights on commodification in higher education focusing on three key points: recruitment of international students “to bring fresh cash from new consumers into the university” (p. 173); hiring more and more adjunct faculty as a “way of reducing expenses” (p. 173); and administrators providing “more and more of the university’s budget for student services and recruitment than for student teaching” (p. 173). He further discusses the debate over commodification and accountability, ethical concerns and commodification, commodification and the mission of higher education, and commodification and for-profit universities. There are many valid points made in this chapter and as current or future higher education administrators, we need to be aware of issues related to commodification and understand the mindset of various stakeholders in higher education who consider the goods of education as marketable commodities. Our leadership practices are influenced by the reality of current university culture whereever we work. Objectives The student will: 1. consider ethics and commodification, 2. consider commodification in higher education, and 3. complete a case study assignment. Required Readings Keenan Chapter 10 – Commodificationing topic in this class: commodification. What is commodification? Do your students talk about their return on investment? What about the impact of COVID-19? In chapter 10, Kennan introduces commodification through a series of lenses. First, he offers foundational insights on commodification in higher education focusing on three key points: recruitment of international students “to bring fresh cash from new consumers into the university” (p. 173); hiring more and more adjunct faculty as a “way of reducing expenses” (p. 173); and administrators providing “more and more of the university’s budget for student services and recruitment than for student teaching” (p. 173). He further discusses the debate over commodification and accountability, ethical concerns and commodification, commodification and the mission of higher education, and commodification and for-profit universities. There are many valid points made in this chapter and as current or future higher education administrators, we need to be aware of issues related to commodification and understand the mindset of various stakeholders in higher education who consider the goods of education as marketable commodities. Our leadership practices are influenced by the reality of current university culture whereever we work. Objectives The student will: 1. consider ethics and commodification, 2. consider commodification in higher education, and 3. complete a case study assignment. Required Readings Keenan Chapter 10 – Commodification

Cell phones and communication

Topic: Cell phones and communication.

Thesis question:How is communicating with cell phones useful? Examples: Self: I used to have to walk to my friends house to be able to communicate with them. Other(self): I have talked to a few people with cell phones that grew up with none before they were made. Other: The need to communicate over distances is what led to cell phones


This is an Exemplification essay that is to be 500 words and must have at least one sentence with a semicolon. This paper is taking us beyond the I-Source (yourself in your narrative essay) and exploring writing effectively with using other sources. Our models use other sources to varying degrees of success. This paper asks you to write a more thesis-driven paper–or one that poses a question and by the final draft answers it well using sources beyond the self. Initially we will draft to that thesis question, which is different from a thesis. But ultimately, we will create a paper guided by a formal thesis—and a paper using valid sources beyond ourselves.

Expanded Soda Taxes Stir Pushback

By Jennifer Maloney and  Shayndi Raice

When Cook County, Ill., needed to plug a budget hole last year, it turned to a new levy on soft drinks it hoped would boost its fiscal health—and the health of its residents.

But pushback has been fierce since the penny-an-ounce tax (Links to an external site.) took effect Aug. 2 in the county that includes Chicago. Retailers are suing the county over the tax, and consumers are suing retailers. State lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have introduced bills that would kill the tax and prevent counties from levying similar ones in the future. A bipartisan group of Cook County commissioners have proposed an ordinance that would repeal the tax.

Several municipalities approved beverage taxes (Links to an external site.) in 2016 and four have put them into effect this year, including Philadelphia (Links to an external site.). Cook County is the largest municipality to implement such a tax.

The taxes, pushed by public-health advocates to counter a national obesity epidemic, are far from popular. But the turmoil has been greatest in Philadelphia  (Links to an external site.)and Cook County, which are using them to generate revenue and haven’t limited them to sugary drinks that have been linked to obesity and diabetes.

Instead, the taxes in these two municipalities can include diet sodas and teas, as well as purportedly healthy drinks such as kombucha and coconut water, leaving consumers frustrated and businesses concerned about the impact on their sales.

The muddled goals could raise questions about the future viability of such taxes.

There is “a phenomenal amount of difference” between the amount of sugar in a cranberry juice cocktail and a sugar-free or low-sugar drink, for example, said Donald Marron, a fellow with the Urban Institute who believes soda taxes can be effective if sugar content is taken into account. “From a public health point of view, there’s no reason to tax those at the same amount per ounce.”

The Cook County board approved its tax in November after discovering a $174 million budget gap. The measure is projected to bring in $200 million in revenue in 2018.

Ammar Rizki, Cook County’s chief financial officer, said the taxes would help fund county hospitals, where the county estimates it covers about $200 million in costs related to obesity and diabetes.

Philadelphia’s tax funds pre-kindergarten, community schools and capital improvements to parks and libraries.

The tax fights (Links to an external site.) have pitted public-health groups such as the charitable foundation of former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg against retailer associations and the soda industry, with each side spending tens of millions of dollars on lobbying and advertising.

“The momentum is on our side, but it is early days in the fight,” said a spokesman for Mr. Bloomberg’s foundation, which is running pro-tax ads in Cook County and Philadelphia.

Studies conducted on sweetened-beverage taxes in Mexico and Berkeley, Calif., show that they reduce consumption of sugary drinks. Researchers say it is too soon to say whether they reduce the prevalence of obesity, but there are signs that some people are turning to water as a substitute, which could improve public health.

Rob Karr, president of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, said that while the policy is cutting consumption of sweetened drinks, it has penalized retailers. The association sued Cook County to block the tax, arguing that it wasn’t being uniformly imposed on all types of sweetened drinks.

“The sweetened beverage tax helps us make Cook County healthier, safer and more efficient, ” countered Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, a Democrat, in an email.

Jeff Brown, who owns 13 supermarkets in the Philadelphia area, said he has canceled renovations and expansions in his city stores and is focusing on investing in stores in the suburbs.

The tax revenue generated in Philadelphia brought in nearly $40 million in the first six months, though that was 15% below the city’s projections, said a spokeswoman for Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat.

“We’re calling it a win,” she said.

Question 1: From the elasticity topic, where would individuals be able to find a substitute, if the tax is applied on a “narrow” or “broad” basis and why?

Question 2: Per the article, what is the negative externality of consuming sugary beverages and what are the social cost to Cook County (hint: what did the finance official say? Please provide that statement from the article which supports your answer.

Question 3: When proposing a tax law the government typically will state how/where the tax revenue derived will be spent towards. Per the article, did the city receive the projected tax revenue they were expecting? If no, why do you think that is the case?

Dynamic Business Law Case

Business Law

Choose one of the following cases, then analyze the cases in the Questions and Problems. Case A: Chapter 35 (6 and 7), Chapter 36 (9 and 10) in Dynamic Business Law Case B: Chapter 35 (4 and 5), Chapter 36 (7 and 8) in Dynamic Business Law For each assigned case, write an analysis of the issue based on the following criteria: Identify the parties involved in the case dispute (who is the plaintiff and who is the defendant). Identify the facts associated with the case and fact patterns. Develop the appropriate legal issue(s) in question (i.e., the specific legal issue between the two parties). Provide a judgment on who should win the case – be clear. Support your decision with an appropriate rule of law. Be prepared to defend your decision and to objectively evaluate the other points of view. Grading Criteria

Branches of The Government

 Branches of The Government


(A) Definition (quote from the Textbook, with page number, OR quote from another permitted source — i.e. an online law dictionary, with proper source citation )
(B) Explanation in your own words
(C) Example (either your own, OR one that is in the Text, OR one that is in another permitted source, with proper source citation)
(D) Find a website that supports and further explains your answer (not one that I have included in our Course, and not the same website you used to define your answer; include the website link in your answer)

The Questions:

Define the following:

Branches of Government


Administrative Regulations

Saudi Construction business Case Study

Saudi Construction business Case Study

PurposeTo assess your ability to:Apply critical thinking skills to discern legal issues and create appropriate solutions in case study scenario.Apply main concepts of Saudi Company law in case study scenario.Saudi Construction Case Study Part 3:Asad is very happy to report that Saudi Construction Inc. has grown significantly in the last three years through mergers and acquisitions. His family is so proud of him; he is a rich man. However, the problems of managing the business continue, but in different ways. Now, in the 5th of the business, there are still some minority shareholders from some of their acquisitions who make life difficult.Asad’s industry friends tell him that the best thing to do is get rid of his problems by buying the minority shareholders out. Asad really likes that idea; it would make his life easier now and allow the majority shareholders (whom he controls) to make all the decisions without interference.Some of Asad’s fellow corporate officers have been secretly talking at lunch about another idea. Why don’t the officers get together and do a management buyout (MBO)? Asad of course is interested because this would make him wealthy beyond all expectations. Of course, the officers will need to borrow a lot of money to do the buyout, but Asad hears there are ways to do it.Yet trouble is always at the door. A number of the shareholders want to take control of Saudi Construction Inc. away from Asad’s group; they are unhappy with some of the acquisitions and the direction the corporation is going in. The shareholders are threatening a hostile tender offer. They want to go around the board of directors and go directly to shareholders. How can they do that? Asad needs to understand all the tactics these shareholders will employ in a hostile tender offer. More importantly, Asad is a man of action. What can he do to prevent it? If the hostile shareholders want a fight, Asad is prepared to fight. He didn’t work this hard to lose control of Saudi Construction now!Asad’s friends have told him if he really wants to fight, he must be ruthless. He must create a “poison pill” to make his company’s stock less attractive and thwart the hostile takeover.(You may refer back to Case Study Scenarios #1 and #2 as needed.)Action ItemsIn at least a two-page paper, fully respond to the following:Your consulting business has done very well, particularly since you have successful clients like Saudi Construction, Inc. You are sitting at the pool when you receive an urgent call from Asad. He always has grand ideas he got from his friends, but he is smart enough to get your professional opinion before he takes action.Asad wants to know right away about getting rid of the troublesome shareholders. Some of his friends have called it a “freezeout”. He is also very concerned about a threatening hostile tender offer, and needs to know how how he can stop it. He wants to know all the ways his enemies might make succeed with the hostile offer. Asad can be a brutal businessman, so he also wants to know all about a poison pill and is prepared to put plenty of poison in it if it will stop the hostile tender offer.Asad hates to hear about all this legal stuff, but he wants you to tell him the ways the Board of Directors can handle things fairly (or fairly enough that the courts will approve). Are there ways to he can make sure it is “legal” to get rid of shareholders without losing a lawsuit? You have lawyers in your consulting team, so he wants to know his options, in reasonably simple terms.But Asad also want to understand the management buyout (MBO). Secretly, of course; you are to tell no one about the plan. Asad knows you are on vacation, but he doesn’t care. He has made you rich. He wants answers now. You leave the pool and head up to your room. It’s time to get to work.


3 Pages paper



marketing goals 

marketing goals

Identify and discuss the marketing goals for your selected company. (Alphabet Inc.)

Companies must have a feedback mechanism and some way of measuring if the marketing strategy is performing according to expectations. What metrics will your company use to assess the performance of the marketing strategy?

Your paper should be 1-2 pages (excluding the cover sheet and References pages) written in the correct APA writing style. Please proof carefully for grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.


Here is the wiki file for the company we have chosen to use for reference