Cell phones and communication

Topic: Cell phones and communication.

Thesis question:How is communicating with cell phones useful? Examples: Self: I used to have to walk to my friends house to be able to communicate with them. Other(self): I have talked to a few people with cell phones that grew up with none before they were made. Other: The need to communicate over distances is what led to cell phones https://www.telcomhistory.org/a-time-before-phones-the-inventions-leading-up-to-the-telephone/


This is an Exemplification essay that is to be 500 words and must have at least one sentence with a semicolon. This paper is taking us beyond the I-Source (yourself in your narrative essay) and exploring writing effectively with using other sources. Our models use other sources to varying degrees of success. This paper asks you to write a more thesis-driven paper–or one that poses a question and by the final draft answers it well using sources beyond the self. Initially we will draft to that thesis question, which is different from a thesis. But ultimately, we will create a paper guided by a formal thesis—and a paper using valid sources beyond ourselves.
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