Production processes and methods

Production processes and methods


1-List and define the four production processes
2-Explain the three major production methods and provide examples.

3-Describe at least three important factors to consider before making a decision on a company location. Provide examples.


1 APPALLING ORDEAL APPALLING ORDEAL “This case has been adjourned to a date, to be communicated to the various counsels pronto. The accused shall be held in the San Quentin penitentiary prison as investigations continue.” Justice Lydia Mount concluded her verdict, striking the gavel gently onto her desk. I was led to the awaiting prison transport vehicle, and later ending up in the historical San Quentin prison. On the night of 24th February 2015, while heading back home, I passed through a poorly lit alley leading to the slums of Los Angeles where my humble aboard is. Walking through this path, I was full of spirits, for, after such long hours at work, I headed back home to a loving wife and two-month-old daughter, Nerissa. Some five strides before me lay a man in a pool of blood. The body seemed lifeless. Concerned, I hurried towards him only to confirm my worst of fears. The man was dead, two bullet holes through his chest. I was astonished that I had not even the tiniest of ideas on what to do. Some few moments later, I was in a police vehicle, handcuffed—the car headed to my home, accused of first-degree murder. My little cottage was ransacked by these two police officers who were so rogue in their handling the so-called search for evidence linking me to the killing. The mattress where innocent Nerissa laid was turned in an incautious manner leaving the little being at the mercy of the hard floor. My wife Suzy protested at this only to receive a slap loud as a clap which stung her face. And it had left a red welt behind. Just below her eye was a small cut where the ring had caught her. She staggered backward, clutching her face, eyes watering. Five years in prison, awaiting the so long investigations to be completed, today I stood at the dock once again, a death sentence lingering in my brains. Nothing seems to be making sense to me, the courtroom is so full, and all I can see are unclear figures of people in the courtroom. “All of the evidence leads to the accused being guilty of first-degree murder.” My heart sank. I was headed for the gallows. “But,” continued the judge. “The witnesses accounts don’t add up, and therefore I find the accused innocent of the charges leveled against him.” I felt a spasm of joy in 2 APPALLING ORDEAL my heart; all this was unbelievable; my eyes teared dry. The frame-up had failed. I walked back home to an empty house; my wife couldn’t take the loneliness she had gone through the five years, and she had decided to leave, thanks to the perpetrators of the frame-up. .  Question 1 – complete both A, B, C and D – Question 2 – complete A and B – Bibliography and Referencing are NOT required. However academic penalties will apply where exam answers show evidence of plagiarism or collusion. – Students are to type their answers to both questions as a Word document and submit this file to Turnitin via the link on the Moodle page. Students must clearly indicate the question number (and parts A,B,C, or D) at the top of their answers. Students must type their Student ID and Full Name into the header or footer of their exam answer. Students must save their exam answer with a file name that indicates their student ID and name (e.g. 12345678_JohnSmith.docx) before submission to Turnitin. – The Turnitin submission link for the take-home exam will appear at the top of the Moodle page for BUS200. – ALL STUDENT EXAM ANSWERS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THE TURNITIN LINK ON MOODLE BY SUNDAY 14 JUNE 5PM. No extensions of time will be permitted. T120 BUS200 Law of Business Organisations Final Examination Page 1 of 3 Question 1. (25 marks) Truth Enterprises Ltd (Truth) is a company that was incorporated in 2008. The constitution of Truth has the following stated object: “the business of the company is to invest in online retail fashion stores”. Truth has three directors, Rhonda, Maria and Miranda, who together own 20% of the company’s shares. The remaining shares are split equally between four investors: Mr JJ, Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice. Since incorporation, Truth has not returned a great deal of profits to members. Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice think they have an idea to greatly enhance the profitability of Truth. They put forth a proposal at a members’ meeting that Truth should purchase a number of high-end retail fashion stores (i.e. “bricks and mortar” businesses). Rhonda, Maria and Miranda are not keen on the members’ proposal. However, the three directors are informed that they will be removed from the Board if they do not comply with the proposal of Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice. Although Mr JJ does not support them, Mrs Cale, Mr Giuseppe and Dr Rice have sufficient voting power together to action the removal of the three directors. Therefore Rhonda, Maria and Miranda feel compelled to act in accordance with the wishes of the 3 shareholders. Question 1: Answer all parts A, B, C and D A). Identify which section of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) gives members the power to remove directors in a company such as Truth Enterprises Ltd (1 mark). B). Identify which section of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) gives members the power to appoint a new director in a company such as Truth Enterprises Ltd (1 mark). C). What are the requirements to be appointed as a director? Refer to the relevant sections of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in your answer (3 marks). D). Discuss the consequences of a breach of constitutional objects for Truth Enterprises Ltd and its directors and shareholders, making reference to the relevant sections of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (20 marks). T120 BUS200 Law of Business Organisations Final Examination Page 2 of 3 Question 2. (25 marks) Fenner Fashions Ltd designs fashion items, including clothing, accessories and cosmetics. Fenner Fashions has three directors on its Board, and these directors are also directors of a subsidiary company of Fenner Fashions called Mean Beanies Pty Ltd (Mean Beanies). The three directors are majority shareholders in both Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies. During August of 2019, Mean Beanies contracts with another company, No Sale Pty Ltd, for the purchase of goods to the value of $250,000. In due course, No Sale Pty Ltd fails to deliver the goods to Mean Beanies, and the company does not refund any money to Mean Beanies. The three directors of Mean Beanies decide not to commence legal action to recover the $250,000 from No Sale Pty Ltd. They simply advise: “it would not be an advisable course of action”. This decision results in a major loss for Mean Beanies that also has a serious financial effect on Fenner Fashions. The minority members of both Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies are concerned with the way the company is being run by the 3 directors, and so they seek legal advice. Question 2: Answer both A and B A). Outline the liability of the directors in terms of their duties under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). Have the directors breached their duties to either Fenner Fashions or Mean Beanies? (10 marks). B). Identity the possible remedies that the minority members could seek against Fenner Fashions and Mean Beanies. Consider whether the minority members are likely to be successful (15 marks)

Incrementalism is the slippery slope

Incrementalism is the slippery slope

– Incrementalism is the slippery slope that can cause people to slide unintentionally into unethical behavior. It can happen when people cut small corners that become bigger over time.  For example, almost every instance of accounting fraud begins with people fudging small numbers that grow larger and larger. Given this human tendency toward Incrementalism, one psychologist has written, “The first dishonest act is the most important one to prevent.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

Critical Thinking/vegan

Chapter 13/Critical Thinking


Gary suffers from alcoholism and pays no attention to his diet. In addition to the detrimental effects on the liver, excess alcohol consumption can cause deficiencies in certain B vitamins.

1.Explain why this problem can occur.

2.Do you have any suggestions how Gary could improve his health?

Trace minerals and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Position on Vegetarian Diets


After reading the chapter on trace minerals and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Position on Vegetarian Diets, which nutrients do you think vegans might lack in their diets and what recommendations would you make to compensate for these deficiencies? Do you feel that being a vegan is a healthy lifestyle choice? Why or why not? Remember that vegans eat only plant based foods, no animal and dairy

Do you consider yourself or have you thought about becoming a pescatarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, pollotarian, flexitarian, or vegan? Why of why not?

Ethical Principles In Health care 

Ethical Principles In Health care

Adherence to ethical principles is important in the area of health care research.


1. Conduct some library or internet research to identify an article describing an unethical, health related research practice that violates the principles described in the Belmont report.

2. Discuss the principles that were violated and how.

3. Identify how the human subjects could have been protected.

APA format 7 edition 250 words.

breastfeeding research

Capstone Change Project Evaluation And Dissemination

Health care is rapidly changing which means there is a high demand for healthcare practitioners and health organizations to constantly evolve to provide the best quality care. Evidence based practice is applying available evidence with clinical knowledge and expertise while considering patients unique needs and personal preferences (University of Utah, 2021). By using EBP into our daily practice we create a high potential to optimize our patients outcomes as well as healthcare all together. This because it helps us nurses determine an effective course of action for care delivery.


Personally, I think that nurses who have their BSN have a better understanding of EBP. Prior to being in school at GCU, I never took time to research any topics related to my patients. Now I feel that it helps me be a better patient advocate, voice out my concerns or recommendations and have peer-reviewed research to support me.

I will continue to integrate evidence into my practice because it makes me feel confident in my care. I really have a passion for breastfeeding and continuing to do research on this will allow me as a labor and delivery nurse to help my patients and get them the support they need when mine is not enough. Another way I can continue to integrate evidence into my practice is to suggest incorporating EBP into our strip review classes. Each month our perinatologist will go over fetal strips and reviews what could have been done differently. During these classes our International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants can present the most recent up to date breastfeeding information.

breastfeeding education

Pushing for nurses to obtain more breastfeeding education will be a challenge, but if this is not possible all together, it can be broken down into small educational workshops, until nurses feel they can portray their education onto patients. Another obstacle would be timing and being short staffed and unfortunately when this is an issue the strip review class is postponed. To minimize this impact, this class can be scheduled twice or when there is a low census.

Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?


Sources must be published within the last 5 years.

There should be a mix between research and your reflections.

Add critical thinking in the posts along with research.

Apply the material in a substantial way.

Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references.


Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research

Select a qualitative question you are interested in investigating. Discuss the basics of qualitative research: what are the characteristics, what is included, what are the 4 designs of the qualitative type research, which type would be appropriate for your qualitative research question and why?

neurobiological of general anxiety disorder

Neurobiological Of General Anxiety Disorder

1- Describe the neurobiological of general anxiety disorder. Include genetics,
neurotransmitters, neuroanatomical changes, current  theories of the cause of the disease, and cultural factors if it’s involved.

2-  what is the neurochemistry action of escitalopram, (SSRI, first line of treatment for generalized anxiety disorder), side effects to monitor, expected benefits for the patient, and contraindications.

3- Describe the benefit of behavior therapy in the treatment of general anxiety disorder.

4- Why did you need to check this patient with general anxiety urine toxicology and thyroid function test?

5- do you think that benzodiazepine-like clonazepam (Klonopin) 0.25 mg PO daily, can help the patient’s symptoms of anxiety?

6.why or why you will not use benzodiazepines in this 23-year-old patient? what criteria do you use to make this decision?

7.Use APA and Include references from at least 3 sources  including the article
from a journal, no older than 5 years.

generation antihistamines

generation antihistamines

A 35-year-old comes to the clinic. He states, “It’s getting close to allergy season and I need something to keep me from getting sick. Last year the doc gave me a shot, a spray, some pills, and an inhaler. They worked really well but I don’t remember what they were. Can I have those things again? I just can’t afford to miss work.”

Please answer the following questions in a narrative format:

  1. Discuss the epidemiology of allergies.
  2. What are your treatment options (consider pharmacoeconomic)? Compare first and second-generation antihistamines.
  3. What education will you provide to the patient?

Quality Improvement Project

Quality Improvement Project Part 3

Content Requirements:

  1. Identify stakeholders that will be impacted by the quality improvement project.
  2. Identify and discussed resources including budget needed to implement the quality improvement project.
  3. Develop an action plan for change including a proposed implementation time line
  4. 2PAGES